The LGBTI+ Social Inclusion Development Officer role, co-funded by the Health Service Executive, will involve the facilitation, implementation, and promotion of the policies and objectives of Cork City Council for the advancement of the local LGBTI+ community anti-discrimination, health, and wellbeing agenda. The role will also develop and implement the LGBTI+ policies, programmes, and collaborative initiatives in Cork City as recommended by the Cork LGBTI+ Inter-Agency, Cork City Council Community Section, and HSE Social Inclusion Department.
The LGBTI+ Social Inclusion Development Officer will report to the designated Social Inclusion Specialist (Grade VII) in the Community, Culture & Placemaking Directorate or any other officer as designated by the Chief Executive.
Responsibilities will include:
1. Support the overall day-to-day running of the LGBTI+ Inter-Agency and the development of the Cork City Council's engagement with the Rainbow City Network (RCN).
2. Develop an increased cross-services cultural approach to bringing a ‘Nothing about us, without us’ ethos to LGBTI+ policy development.
3. Analyse and evaluate the social conditions for lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgender people in Cork City.
4. Organise and coordinate discussion and information rounds on equality and anti-discrimination.
5. Engage in the delivery of LGBTI+ policy development.
6. Assist in promoting and delivering the National LGBTI+ Inclusion Strategy 2019-2021 and any further iteration of this policy development at a local level.
7. Represent the LGBTI+ Inter-Agency, Cork City Council, and HSE Social Inclusion Dept at local, national, and international related meetings, conferences, and forums.
8. Deliver LGBTI+ Inter-Agency reports to the Cork City Local Community Development Committee (LCDC).
9. Respond to and follow up on queries from the LCDC and act as a link between Cork City Council and the LGBTI+ Inter-Agency.
10. Support the implementation plan of the Cork City Council Local Economic and Community Plan (LECP) Action Plan in relation to relevant and cross-cutting 6 High-Level Goals and their respective actions.
11. Develop LGBTI+ community relationships with the Cork City Public Participation Network (PPN).
12. Support developing an all-Island collaborative approach to LGBTI+ Rights and Equality through Local Authority structures by developing an LGBTI+ All Island Cities Forum.
13. Identify and support applications to national and local competitions for grant aid funding related to the Cork City LGBTI+ Community.
14. Support the LGBTI+ Committee in organising the Annual LGBTI+ Inter-Agency Awareness Week.
15. Promote the annual Cork LGBT+ Pride Festival.
16. Support the Cork City Council, HSE, and Inter-Agency public services on their Public Service Duty implementation responsibilities.
17. Develop an LGBTI+ approach to placemaking and enhance the LGBTI+ public space visibility across the city where possible and practicable.
18. Re-advertise LGBTI+ programmes, awareness, and information to the public, including a communications plan (online, print, radio, and TV).
19. Strengthen links with and between local LGBTI+ NGOs and Community and Voluntary Agencies.