Brothers Of Charity Services Ireland – West Region
JOB REF: 76960
A panel may be formed as a result of this recruitment process from which subsequent Permanent, temporary Support Worker appointments within the Service location may be offered over the next 6 months.
Bruach na Mara Services in South Connemara are a community based service. The service comprises of residential services, respite services, day services and outreach support. We aim to provide a homely environment for the people we support, encouraging them to make real choices over the day-to-day issues that are a part of all our lives.
Our Services:
The Brothers of Charity Services provide a wide range of services to people with an intellectual disability and to their families. The services range from Early Intervention Services for young Children through to School Age Services with a variety of programmes for Adults. Our services include educational, day, residential, respite, family support with a range of multidisciplinary support services and supports to individuals who live independently.
Adults West Galway Services operates a range of services including Day, Residential, Respite, Community outreach, education, employment opportunities, Individualised services, and leisure activities which are geographically dispersed though the West Galway Sector Adult Services.
Our Vision:
To support people to be valued citizens in their local community, to have everyday life experiences and to be closely connected to family and friends. We are committed to supporting people to make choices about their lives and to the provision of quality services that meets people’s needs.
The Role:
Night Duty Support Workers provide a key-working caring role for a group of People Supported by the Services. This main role of night duty Support Worker is to be responsible for all aspects of personal care required during the night. This includes meals, personal hygiene and other related aspects of physical well-being and personal safety. The other area of the role is to carry out additional duties that are required to support individuals to have the best possible quality of life during the day.
Reporting/Responsible To:
Staff Nurse in charge/Team Leader/Team Manager/Service Coordinator
Qualifications & Experience:
* Candidates must have a good general education. A recognised qualification in the field of intellectual disability or a FETAC level 5 course is an advantage. A QQI Level 5 or higher is desirable.
* Candidates must have a minimum of one years’ experience of working with individuals with an Intellectual Disability and prior experience of working in residential services and must have a minimum of six months experience of working with Individuals who display behaviours that challenge for permanent posts.
* Candidates must have a minimum of 6 months’ experience of working with individuals with an Intellectual Disability and prior experience of working in residential services and a minimum of six months experience of working with Individuals who display behaviours that challenge is desirable for temporary posts or an understanding of the requirements needed to provide support.
* Candidates must be able to demonstrate flexibility, communication and team-working skills, together with an enthusiasm for the post.
* IT skills are essential.
* A full, clean, manual Irish Driving Licence is essential. It may also be necessary for the appointee to obtain a Class D1 Driving Licence (if not already in possession of one). Assistance will be given towards this purpose of obtaining a class D1 licence.
* Fluency in verbal and written English is an essential requirement of this post.
Candidates must be able to demonstrate flexibility, communication and team-working skills, together with an enthusiasm for the post.
Working Hours:
78 hours a fortnight are based on a 14 night duty roster. The successful candidate will be required to work a rolling two week roster covering seven nights per fortnight, with weekend work, public holidays, night duty, and sleep-ins and will be required to attend meetings and training during daytime hours as part of their roster.
Annual Leave:
22 days per annum, i.e. 8.46 hours per 100 hours worked.
Department of Health Care Assistant salary scale (01/10/2024) - €32,699 x 11 Increments - €45,190 (Max) pro rata per annum. Long Service Increment (LSI) €45,984 pro rata per annum is payable after 3 years on the maximum of the scale. Additional payments will be made for weekends, public holidays, sleep-ins and night-duty when worked.
This post is Permanent full-time and pensionable.
A probationary period of nine months from the date of appointment applies to the post. The employment may be terminated at any time during the probationary period should the employer find that the appointee is unsuitable to continue employment. The probation period may be extended at the Employer’s discretion.