Candidate Clinical Nurse Specialist (General)
We have roles open in both our West Cork Office (Bantry) & at Marymount University Hospital & Hospice, Curraheen, Cork
Candidate CNS Eligibility Criteria:
1. Be a registered nurse/midwife on the active General Register of Nurses and Midwives held by An Bord Altranais and Cnaimhseachais na hEireann (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland) or be eligible to be so registered.
2. Have a minimum of 1 year's experience or an aggregate of 1 year's full-time experience in the specialist area of palliative care or oncology.
3. If the applicant does not possess the relevant specialist experience, they will be supported to attain one year's clinical specialist experience.
4. Be registered in a post-registration programme of study, as certified by the education provider which verifies that the applicant has achieved a Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI), National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) major academic Level 9 or higher award (equivalent to 60 ECTS or above) that is relevant to the specialist area of care and in line with the requirements for specialist practice as set out by the National Council for Nursing and Midwifery 4th ed (2008). Alternatively, provide written evidence from the Higher Education Institute that they have achieved the number of ECTS credits equivalent to a Level 9 or higher standard (60 ECTS or above), relevant to the specialist area of care and in line with the requirements for specialist practice as set out by the National Council for Nursing and Midwifery 4th ed (2008).
5. Be required to demonstrate that they have continuing professional development (CPD) relevant to the specialist area or will be supported to obtain the required CPD.
All of the above must be achieved within 2 years for this pathway.