Clinical SupervisorsFixed-Term / Temporary Contract / Part-TimeThe Dublin Dental University Hospital (DDUH) is seeking to recruit a number of Clinical Supervisors for the Restorative Dentistry and Periodontology Division. We have an immediate requirement to fill the following sessions for the coming Academic Term:Michaelmas Term: 27/08/2025 PM – 05/12/2025Hilary Term: 06/01/2026 – 20/03/2026Trinity Term: 06/04/2026 – 19/06/2026Thereafter, we will formulate a panel of successful candidates over the next 12 months for sessions that may arise during 2025/2026. All clinical sessions are based on 35 hours per week or 3.5 hours per session, fixed-term/part-time over three academic terms (Michaelmas, Hilary and Trinity Term).Role Summary:The successful candidates will be responsible for:Enabling students to develop their clinical skills while taking responsibility for patient management and above all, patient safety.Familiarity with DDUH policies and procedures including reporting of incidents using QPulse as the incident management system.Ensuring that teaching and learning are fully integrated into the clinical experience from the student’s perspective.Providing regular and appropriate feedback to students and endeavouring to provide the necessary support when required.Undertaking to provide assessment of students when required and award accurate and appropriate clinical credits for each student after each clinical session.Attendance at student progress meetings and timely interaction with DDUH staff to relay relevant information regarding individual student issues.Successful candidates are required to maintain an appropriate knowledge of the undergraduate curriculum and information technology involved in the curriculum.Successful candidates are required to keep up to date with new guidance with regards to HSE Childrens First and are required to carry out mandatory HSEland training as instructed by the Head of Division.Each candidate must:Be a qualified Dentist.Be registered with the Dental Council of Ireland.Minimum of three years’ experience post qualification.In accordance with HSE Circular 012/2009 ‘Implementation of Recommendation of Report on the Prevention of Transmission of Blood borne diseases in the health care setting’, candidates must furnish the Dublin Dental University Hospital with: 1) Evidence of their Hepatitis B Titre Levels, 2) Evidence to state that they are Hepatitis B Negative, 3) Evidence to state that they are Hepatitis C negative. These three pieces of documentation must all be dated within 6 months of your start date in the Hospital.Be free from any defect or disease, which would render him/her unsuitable to hold office and be in a state of health as would indicate a reasonable prospect of ability to render regular and efficient service.Be of good character. Offers are subject to Garda Vetting, references, dental council registration, Hep B Status levels and CPD in various HSEland Training Programmes.Closing date for receipt of applications is Wednesday, 26th of March 2025 at noon.Roles are available from 27/08/2025 with interviews expected to take place in April/May 2025.To enquire about a full job description please contact Simion Tita, HR Officer at / landline number 01-612 7289.Informal enquiries can be directed through Deborah O'Gorman, Divisional Administrator, Division of Restorative Dentistry & Periodontology at email: or call Deborah on 01-612 7312.Offers are subject to Garda Vetting, references, dental council registration, Hep B Status levels and CPD in various HSEland Training Programmes.The Dublin Dental Hospital is an equal opportunities employer.