The ideal candidate should have a very good technical knowledge base and experience of planning policy and practices to include the following non-exhaustive list of duties:
* An ability to engage a wide and varied planning application caseload;
* Assess and make recommendations on planning applications in line with all relevant national, regional and local plans and policies and in accordance with appropriate legislation and guidelines;
* Conduct pre-application consultations and provide planning advice to members of the public, internal departments and elected members;
* Undertake site visits related to planning applications, condition compliance planning enforcement, derelict sites, vacant sites etc. as required;
* Provide reports on enforcement cases, derelict sites, and vacant sites, as required;
* Prepare Development Plans and Local Area Plans and other planning policy reports and studies;
* Analyse spatial and demographic information to discern trends in population, land use employment etc., to inform policy development;
* Develop and implement measures to promote regeneration;
* Input to inter-disciplinary projects dealing with land-use, transport, environment etc;
* Represent the Council at meetings with staff, elected members, community/general interest groups, businesses and residents, as required;
* Build and maintain cooperative working relationships;
* Any other associated duties as may be assigned from time to time.
Each candidate must, on the latest date for receipt of completed application forms:
* Hold an honours degree (level 8 or higher in the National Framework of Qualifications) in Planning;
* Have at least two years satisfactory experience of planning work;
* Possess a high standard of technical training and experience.
Further Information is available in the Candidate Information Booklet available on our website.
Human Resources Department
Galway County Council
Prospect Hill
H91 H6KX