Qualified General Nurse/Paediatric Nurses Required for Sligo Area
We are currently recruiting for the children with complex needs tender, which would involve working one on one with a child with various needs in their own home.
Key Responsibilities:
* Medication Management
* Seizure management including administration of buccal midazolam if required
* Nebulizer management
* Pain management
* Care of child with complex needs/disability
* Airway Management
* Suctioning
* Stoma care management
* Moving and handling /hoist and re-positioning
* Skin integrity management
* Professional boundaries/ Confidentiality
* Working in the home environment/lone worker
* Infection control and disposal of clinical waste
* In date and current NMBI pin
* Previous experience working with Children
* Willingness to undergo any training required
* All nurses are required to undergo Garda Vetting
* Nurses must be willing to register with the INMO or affiliated union
* Full immunizations and Vaccination history will need to be provided
* Rates of pay: €31.20 mon-fri days, €35.50 mon-fri nights, Sat days €31.20, Sat nights €35.50, Sun days €45, Sun nights €50
* All mandatory courses are available to all our Registered Nurses as well as any other course required