MWCH 25019 Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) Respiratory – Integrated CareCounty Limerick, IrelandFull time, PermanentWho We AreThe HSE Mid West Six Health Regions have been established within the HSE, based on the geographical boundaries agreed by the Government in July 2019, and they will be fully operational from 2024. Each Health Region will be tasked with population-specific planning, resourcing, and delivery of health and social care services for the needs of its unique population. This will result in improved accountability and governance in terms of finance and performance.DescriptionIn line with Sláintecare (2017) and the Department of Health’s Capacity review (2018), a shift in healthcare service provision is now required to place the focus on integrated, person-centred care, based as close to home as possible. The Integrated Care Programme for the Prevention and Management of Chronic Disease (ICPCD) is supporting the national implementation of a model of integrated care as part of the Enhanced Community Care Programme (ECC). The Model of Care for the Integrated Prevention and Management of Chronic Disease focuses on preventive healthcare, early intervention, and the provision of supports to live well with chronic disease.The investment in the ECC programme will be delivered on a phased basis, with a view to national coverage being achieved within a two- to three-year period. Three priority areas have been identified:Structural reform of healthcare delivery within the community with Community Health Networks (CHNs) becoming the basic building blocks for the organisation, management, and delivery of community services across the country;Creating Specialist Ambulatory Care Hubs within the community to support primary care management of chronic disease and older people with complex needs;Scaling Integrated Care for Older People and Chronic Disease through the recruitment of specialist integrated care teams.The focus is on providing an end-to-end pathway that will reduce admissions to acute hospitals by providing access to diagnostics and specialist services in a timely manner. For service users who require hospital admission, the emphasis is on minimising the hospital length of stay, with the provision of post-discharge follow-up and support for people in the community and in their own homes, where required.The ECC Programme is underpinned by a set of key principles including:Eighty percent of services delivered in Primary Care are through the GP and CHNs;Identifying and building health needs assessments at a CHN level based on a population stratification approach;Utilisation of a whole system approach to integrating care based on person-centred models;Embedding a preventive approach to chronic disease into all services;Providing timely responses to early presentations of identified conditions;Implementing best practice models of care to demonstrate the delivery of specific outcomes and sustainable services.Specialist Ambulatory Care Hubs will provide access to specialist services within the community, focusing primarily on the prevention and management of chronic diseases. Each hub will be affiliated with a local hospital and will serve a population of approximately 150,000.The Integrated Respiratory Service will support:A holistic, multidisciplinary approach to the care of individuals with COPD and/or Asthma;Provision of a reformed outpatient service that utilises telehealth and other ICT measures;Reduced waiting times for service users for hospital-based outpatient services;Timely access to specialist services for service users with COPD and/or Asthma in the community;Development of pathways for the management of COPD and Asthma.The role of the CNS will differ according to the needs and configuration of established respiratory integrated services at each site. The purpose of this Clinical Nurse Specialist, Respiratory Integrated Care post is to provide expertise and specialist nursing services to service users with COPD and/or Asthma in both hospital outpatient settings and Specialist Ambulatory Care Hubs.The post holder will function as part of a team providing seamless patient-centred integrated care within an Integrated Respiratory Service, delivering effective evidence-based care. They will use resources efficiently to achieve the best possible outcomes in keeping with the NCP Respiratory Programme models of care and HIQA standards.Informal Enquiries: Ms. Carmel O’Connor, Assistant Director of Public Health NursingMid West Community Healthcare is an Equal Opportunity Employer.