37 Hours per week plus on-call requirement (currently 1:6 with plans to move to 1:8 roster)
1 Year Contract (minimum) pending filling on a permanent basis
Letterkenny University Hospital welcomes applications from qualified general surgeons interested in working in a busy Model 3 University Hospital in the Department of General Surgery.
Details of Service
The Department of General Surgery at Letterkenny University Hospital (LUH) offers a comprehensive programme for patients across the Donegal IHA area of the HSE West and North West Health Region. It has a population base of approximately 160,000 people and provides Emergency and Elective Surgical Services on a full-time basis, operating in line with evidence-based international practice and in line with the National Cancer Control Programme (NCCP) recommendations.
In 2024, there were over 54,000 attendances at the LUH Emergency Department and over 17,000 admissions to LUH, making LUH one of the busiest centres for Emergency Surgery in Ireland.
The Department of General Surgery saw 3,488 New Referrals in Consultant Delivered OPD in 2024 whilst also seeing 3,844 review patients.
In 2024, there were 320 elective inpatient discharges at LUH whilst there were 2,168 emergency inpatient discharges, totalling 2,488 inpatient discharges throughout 2024. In addition, there were 3,421 surgeries carried out on a day case basis within the Department of General Surgery.
The average LOS for elective surgical cases is 3.9 days and emergency cases is 5.8 days. Day case surgery activity levels place LUH as the 11th busiest hospital nationally.
LUH provides a number of services normally only found in Model 4 hospitals, such as breast cancer surgery, colorectal surgery, and metabolic surgery. The department currently operates on a 1:6 General On Call Roster.
The successful candidates will have input to the following areas of care:
1. Theatre
2. Day case activity/endoscopy per month
About this Role
The purpose of this post is to maintain the General Surgical service provided in Letterkenny University Hospital and to support the overall development of the department in the areas of Colorectal or Gastrointestinal Surgery.
Reporting Relationship
The Consultant’s reporting relationship and accountability for the discharge of his/her contract is:
1. to the Chief Executive Officer / General Manager / Master of the hospital (or other employing institution) through his / her Clinical Director (where such is in place). The Regional Executive Officer may require the Consultant to report to him / her from time to time.
2. Post-holder will report to the Associate Clinical Director / HSE West and North West Health Region Clinical Director, Perioperative MCAN and General Manager.
The annual salary will be as set out in the Public Only Consultants’ Contract 2023. Medical Consultants Salary Scales from 1st October 2024: Incremental credit is awarded in respect of previous experience at Consultant level.
The annual leave associated with the post is:30 Working Days per annum and as determined by the Organisation of Working Time Act 1997.
Informal Enquiries
Mr Saqib Zeeshan, Clinical Lead, Department of General Surgery, LUH.
Applicants from qualified candidates who are registered in the Specialist Division of the Irish Medical Council in the speciality of General Surgery are invited to apply via Rezoomo in the link below by 5pm on Monday 31st March 2025:
In particular, LUH welcomes applications from qualified candidates who have an interest in Colorectal or Gastrointestinal Surgery.