JOB TITLE:Marketing Manager - Part Time HOTEL:HendrickDublin, Smithfield DEPARTMEINT:Sales & Marketing PURPOSE OF JOB: Develop,implement,andmanagetheHotelBrand'sdigitalactivity,ensuringitisconsistentand aligned with thebrand identity and positioning across all the hotel's online campaigns, (including butnot limited to brand websites, directto consumer website and booking portals and content managementand social media platforms) Place consumer insights at the heart of the marketing to improve online consumer journey/ path to purchase and develop new initiatives to drive online purchases and enhance the consumer experience on the online platforms. RESPONSIBLE TO:HotelGeneralManagerIGroupMarketingDirector RESPONSIBLE FOR:Social Media, Content Creation, Hotel Branding TASKS AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Supporttheoverall sales and marketing effort for the hotels, bydeveloping innovative andrelevant content for thecustomeracrossall theonlinetouchpoints:campaigns, SM,CRM, services, online bookingengines... AssistwithE-Commercerelateddigitalprojects. Beresponsiblefor theHotel'sownwebsitecontent, ensuringcontentisrelevant andup to date with the Hotel Sales strategy. Manage brand content on the online distribution platforms - Online Travel Agencies, etc. AssistwithdrivingconsumerCRMstrategyandexecutionofcampaignactivitiesworking closely with the hotelandTifco managementteams Assistwith CRMmanagement -database acquisition (leadgeneration) andactivation loyalty. Provide oversight of the customer review websites (TripAdvisor / / Expedia / etc. to ensure guest feedback is monitored, responded to and shared with the hotel team. Developcreativecontentandstrategiestodrivebrandengagementacrosswebsitesand socialmedia Conduct keyword research and use SEO guidelines to optimize content as its created Helptooptimizepaidcampaignsacrossallplatforms. Manageandoverseethedailyrolloutofcontentonallsocialmediachannels. Buildon andgrow analready strongand existingnetworkof followersonsocialmediaincreasing brandloyalty. CreationofcontentdesignedtocreateengagementandgrowfollowersWork with hotelsto developmarketingcontent-infographics, blog posts, video testimonials, presentations. Reportengagementresultsofcampaignsmonthly OccasionalDuties Assistwithother salesand marketingactivities, Pressevents, Fam Tripsand Advertising campaigns. Toattendevents,trainingsessionsandmeetingsasrequired. Tocarryoutanyotherreasonablerequestby management. The above list of duties is not exhaustive and can be added at any time in the future. Skills: Marketing Social Media Content Creation Branding Hotel Sales Benefits: Discounted hotel room rates at Tifco Hotel Group Training and Personal Development Programme Cycle to Work Scheme Employee Assistance Programme