The Clinical Placement Coordinator will work as a member of the Nurse Practice Department (NPD). The main focus of the CPC role is guiding and supporting pre-registration nursing students and their mentors to provide a clinical learning environment conducive to students achieving the maximum outcome from clinical placements and to meet the requirements of the education programme with regard to planned experiences and learning outcomes. The other main focus of working as a member of NPD is supporting Registered Nurses to provide an evidence-based, quality nursing service for our patients. This is done through development, implementation and audit of evidence-based policies, procedures and guidelines based on best national and international evidence. It is also achieved through the provision of education at induction and on-going in-service days as well as through formal and informal interaction and support for Registered General Nurses of all grades and roles within the hospital on a daily basis. Informal Enquiries :Deirdre Brennan – Nurse Practice Development Coordinator deirdre.brennan@hse.ie / 087 3373589 A panel will be created from which permanent and specified purpose vacancies of full or part time duration may be filled. Please note this is a part time position
Essential Criteria
Each candidate must on closing date for applications: Be registered in the General Division of the Register of Nurses kept by Bord Altranais agus Cnáimhseachais na hÉireann (Nursing Midwifery Board Ireland) or be entitled to be so registered AndHave at least 5 years post registration experience of which 2 must be in a student learning environment AndPossess a 3rd level qualification at Level 7 (ordinary degree) or higher AndHave completed a Teaching & Assessing/Preceptorship course AndHave the clinical, managerial and administrative capacity to properly discharge the functions of the role Post Specific Requirements:Represent NPD on hospital committees as required, attend and contribute to inter departmental, divisional and other meetings.Attend and participate in in-service programmes, conference and study days as relevant. Desirable: Experience in the initiation and roll out of quality initiatives Relevant Attachment: CNM II - Clinical Placement Co-Ordinator Job Spec