Confined Competition - Internal Applicants Only Post Title: Clinical Nurse Manager 1 - Jervis Ward Post Status: Specified Purpose ContractDepartment Medical DirectorateLocation: Beaumont Hospital, Dublin 9 Reports to: Clinical Nurse Manager 2/3/Directorate Nurse Manager Salary: Appointment will be made on Clinical Nurse Manager 1 Grade (€56,081 - €66,045) at a point in line with Government pay policy. Hours of work: Full Time, 37.5 hours per weekClosing Date: Thursday 3rd April 2025 @ 12noon Please note the hospital reserves the right to close the competition early should a substantial number of applications be received.
Principal Duties and Responsibilities: 1. CLINICAL NURSING PRACTICE• Demonstrates clinical and professional leadership in the nursing team.• Maintains personal clinical skills in performing direct nursing care.• Uses a framework and model of nursing to assess individual patient needs consistent with hospital nursing policy.• Ensures that appropriate nursing care is planned for individual patients based on need assessment and that each individual patient receives prescribed treatment and nursing care, encompassing medical instructions and conforming to established procedures and standards of care. • Collaborates with Clinical Nurse Specialists in providing care as appropriate.• Directs, supervises and mentors the nursing staff in the management of nursing care, i.e. providing professional and specialist advice on the provision of care and demonstrates practical nursing skills.• Ensures clinical competence of staff in performing clinical activities• Ensures that verbal and written nursing reporting systems are accurate and adequate and comply with Beaumont Hospital Guidelines for documenting Nursing care. • In consultation with medical staff ensures that patients and their families are appropriately informed and counselled regarding their condition, treatment/care plans.• Facilitates the proactive participation of nurses in multidisciplinary ward rounds and meetings.• Ensures that accurate nursing reports accompany patients who are being transferred to other hospitals or other departments in Beaumont Hospital. 2. EFFECTIVE TEAMWORK• Promotes nurtures and maintains a high level of staff morale thereby promoting team spirit and job satisfaction among nursing, and other staff within the unit.• Supports the management of change in line with evidence based practice.• Ensures welfare and safety policies are adhered to in the unit.• Receives visiting professionals and lay visitors to the unit.• Ensures that all staff practise nursing within the Code set for the profession by The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland.• Reports to Clinical Nurse Manager 2 behaviour outside acceptable limits for whatever reason (i.e. emotional upset in staff, brusqueness to patients or colleagues, undignified behaviour, absenteeism, conflict, etc.)• Investigates complaints, incidents and accidents involving all patients and staff in accordance with hospital policy, and consults with the Clinical Nurse Manager 2• Participates in the development of an orientation programme for new staff members, and assists with the implementation and evaluation of such programmes.• Ensures that the work of the Healthcare Assistant is implemented to the required specification as per job description.• Participates in the induction and training of the Healthcare Assistant.• Supports and encourages Healthcare Assistant staff in carrying out their duties and ensures that the nursing staff knows, understands, utilises and respects the role.• Monitors the performance of the Healthcare Assistant. • Supervises supports and encourages the Ward Clerk in the implementation of their role and ensures that the nursing staff knows, understands and utilises the Ward Clerk effectively. Discusses any problems with their immediate Manager.• Ensures the correct completion of records and reports. 3. WORKLOAD ESTIMATION• Ensures that a systematic method for the assessment of individual patient's needs/dependency is implemented and ensures proper documentation of same.• On a day to day basis the Clinical Nurse Manager 1 will decide, in conjunction with the Clinical Nurse Manager 2, and allocate the work to be done by the staff nurses, student nurses and ward attendants.• Uses professional judgement skills to estimate daily workload in liaison with other hospital services/departments.• Allocates workload appropriately to provide for individual patient nursing care needs.• Ensures stock levels of supplies and equipment are available. 4. STAFFING AND MANPOWER PLANNING• Assists with planning and allocating of nursing teams with appropriate staff numbers, skill mix and level of experience in such a way that will meet the clinical management workload and ensure continuity of patient care.• Advises the Clinical Nurse Manager 2 / Directorate Nurse Manager or Senior Nursing Officer on duty when staff levels fall below or are in excess of that considered to be adequate to meet variations of workload.• Arranges staff meal breaks in consultation with registered nurses while maintaining service requirements.• Supports and supervises nursing staff and other support staff in carrying out their allocated responsibilities to the required standard.• Monitors late attendance and absenteeism, and reports to Clinical Nurse Manager 2 or, in his/her absence, the Directorate Nurse Manager.• Assists in the preparation of computerised duty rosters, ensuring skill mix is appropriate, while allocating night duty, annual leave and study leave. 5. EDUCATION/ STAFF DEVELOPMENT• In collaboration with Clinical practice Support Nurse, assesses and identifies training and development needs for nursing staff within the unit; participates in setting objectives for such learning and contributes to the development of training programmes where appropriate.• Implements and evaluates unit orientation programmes for new staff members.• Collaborates with Clinical Practice Support Nurse in staff education and development.• Identifies teaching/learning opportunities within the unit and plans to meet these needs in consultation with Clinical Nurse Manager 2.• Participates in:i) Staff development programmes to support new clinical services;ii) evaluating Undergraduate and Postgraduate training programmes in conjunction with key stakeholders.• Participates in clinical ward induction training of all new nursing staff, ensuring that staff nurses receive sufficient theoretical and practical training to support their development as safe practitioners.• Ensures the agreed hospital and clinical policies and procedures are known to and understood by the staff, and are implemented.• Participates in teaching, counselling and training of student nurses and plans to meet their needs in consultation with the academic institutions, Clinical Nurse Manager 2, Clinical Practice Coordinator and Directorate Nurse Manager.• Acts as an effective role model, by demonstrating skilled nursing care in the clinical situation, for staff and student nurses.6. BED MANAGEMENT• Assist the Clinical Nurse Manager 2 or Directorate Nurse Manager in the absence of the Clinical Nurse Manager 2, in the implementation of the bed management policy by:-• Co-ordinating the safe and timely admission and discharge of patients with the multidisciplinary teams and ancillary personnel/departments.• Managing the utilisation of patient accommodation in terms of placement of patients depending on patient acuity. 7. STANDARD AND QUALITY OF CARE• Takes all steps possible to safeguard the welfare and safety of patients, staff and visitors.• Monitors indicators of quality.• Monitors unit management and clinical standards within realistic targets and explicit limits as set by Clinical Nurse Managers.• Ensures that unit staff understand and abide by policies, standards and guidelines.• Checks on the quality of all work done by all staff and use of systems in place.• Monitors and evaluates the outcomes of nursing care for individual patients.• Preparing and checking rooms and equipment ensuring safety of patient during procedures.• Identify and act upon potential hazards to patients and to staff. 8. BUDGETING• Maintains agreed stock level controls and reports any deficiencies to the Clinical Nurse Manager 2.• Collaborates with staff in preparing, implementing and evaluating budget and service plans for the clinical area.• Encourages staff to utilise resources judiciously by developing economical habits while maintaining satisfactory standards.• Requests ‘agency’ staff judiciously with due regard to workload and budgetary constraints. 9. SELF DEVELOPMENTThe post holder is expected to:• Maintain, update and develop knowledge on pertinent professional development and on all speciality current trends.• Maintain a personal record of professional development.• Promote and participate in self and staff performance review.• Discuss present performance and future self development needs with the Clinical Nurse Manager 2/3 and the Directorate Nurse Manager and use job performance review in accordance with directorate policy.
Selection Criteria:Selection criteria outline the qualifications, skills, knowledge and/or experience that the successful candidate would need to demonstrate for successful discharge of the responsibilities of the post.Applications will be assessed on the basis of how well candidates satisfy these criteria. Mandatory:1. Statutory Registration, Professional Qualifications, Experience, etc(a) Eligible applicants will be those who on the closing date for the competition:(i) Are registered in the relevant division of the Register of Nurses & Midwivesmaintained by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI) (BordAltranais agus Cnáimhseachais na hÉireann) or entitled to be so registered.(ii) Have at least 3 years post registration fulltime experience (or an aggregate of 3years post registration full time experience) of which 1 year post registration fulltime experience (or an aggregate of 1 years post registration full time experience)must be in the speciality or related area.(iii) Have the clinical, managerial and administrative capacity to properly dischargethe functions of the role.(iv) Candidates must demonstrate evidence of Continuing Professional Development.2. Annual registration(i) On appointment, Practitioners must maintain live annual registration on the relevantdivision of the Register of Nurses and Midwives maintained by the Nursing andMidwifery Board of Ireland (Bord Altranais agus Cnáimhseachais na hÉireann).(ii) Confirm annual registration with NMBI to the HSE by way of the annual PatientSafety Assurance Certificate (PSAC). 3. HealthCandidates for and any person holding the office must be fully competent and capable ofundertaking the duties attached to the office and be in a state of health such as would indicate areasonable prospect of ability to render regular and efficient service.4. CharacterCandidates for and any person holding the office must be of good character. Desirable• Recognised Management Qualification.• Post Graduate Qualification in Gerontology Further Information for CandidatesSupplementary information: The Hospitalwww.beaumont.ieManagement Unit:www.beaumont.ie/hr Informal Enquiries ONLY to: Name:Alan Healy-CunninghamTitle:Directorate Nurse ManagerEmail address:alanhealycunningham@beaumont.ieTelephone:01 852 8196