Principal Duties and Responsibilities
Professional / Clinical
The Senior Cardiac Physiologist will:
* Perform the following procedures:
1. Resting ECG; interpretation and highlighting abnormal findings
2. Exercise stress testing; perform and report
3. Ambulatory ECG and BP monitors; fit and analyse
4. Pacemaker and ICD/CRT follow-up clinics, reprogramming and reporting
5. Transthoracic echocardiography; perform and report
6. Contrast echocardiography; perform and report
7. Dobutamine and exercise stress echo; perform and report
8. Assist with transoesophageal echocardiography
9. Assist with diagnostic and interventional procedures in Cath. Lab
10. Assist with primary PCI cases
11. Assist with loop, pacemaker and implantable defibrillator implants
12. Report procedure findings and highlight abnormal findings to relevant team
* To take part in any current or future on-call rota within the department
* Be responsible for the maintenance of standards of practice of self and staff appointed to clinical / designated area(s)
* Be responsible for managing own caseload and for assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation of cardiac diagnostic services for service users according to service standards and best practice
* Supervise staff, prioritising and allocating work and promoting positive staff morale and team work in conjunction with the Chief Cardiac Physiologist
* Foster and maintain professional working relationships with colleagues, front line managers, and other healthcare personnel in the team
* Ensure the quality of documentation of reports are in accordance with local service and professional standards
* Communicate verbally and / or in writing results, data interpretation and reports to the relevant team and consultants in accordance with service policy
* Participate as part of a multi-disciplinary team as appropriate, communicating and working in co-operation with other team members
* Attend Clinics, review meetings, team meetings, case conferences, as designated by the Chief Cardiac Physiologist
* Ensure that staff in the department arrange and carry out duties in a timely manner, and in line with local policy guidelines
* Be responsible for adhering to existing standards and protocols and for the development and maintenance of standards / strategies for quality improvement and outcome measurement
* Ensure that professional standards are maintained in relation to confidentiality, ethics and legislation
* Operate within the scope of practice and in accordance with local guidelines
Education and Training
The Senior Cardiac Physiologist will:
* Participate in mandatory training programmes
* Participate in continuing professional development including in-service training, attending and presenting at conferences / courses relevant to practice, contributing to research etc as agreed by the Chief Cardiac Physiologist
* Engage in support/ supervision with peer Senior Cardiac Physiologists and Managers and participate in performance review
* Manage, participate and play a key role in the practice education of student cardiac physiologists. Take part in teaching / training / supervision of other students and attend practice educator courses as appropriate
* Ensure newly qualified staff have adequate induction and clinical supervision and assist in implementing annual staff development and performance review
Health and Safety
The Senior Cardiac Physiologist will:
* Promote a safe working environment in accordance with health and safety legislation
* Be aware of and implement agreed policies, procedures and safe professional practice by adhering to relevant legislation, regulations and standards
* Actively participate in risk management issues, identify risks and take responsibility for corrective actions
* Report any adverse incidents in accordance with organisational guidelines
The Senior Cardiac Physiologist will:
* Be responsible for the co-ordination and delivery of service
* Review and allocate resources in collaboration with the Chief Cardiac Physiologist and relevant others
* Promote good working practice and uniformity of standards of best practice
* Promote quality by reviewing and evaluating the Cardiac Investigations Department service regularly, identifying changing needs and opportunities to improve services, in collaboration with the Chief Cardiac Physiologist and relevant others
* Develop and implement service / business plans, quality initiatives, audits etc. and report on outcomes in collaboration with the Chief Cardiac Physiologist
* Oversee the upkeep of accurate records in line with best clinical governance, organisational requirements and the Freedom of Information Act, and render reports and other information / statistics as required
* Represent the department at meetings and conferences as appropriate
* Liaise with the Chief Cardiac Physiologist regarding the needs, interests and views of Cardiac Investigations staff
* Promote good team working, and a culture that values diversity
* Participate in the management of stock and equipment in conjunction with the Chief Cardiac Physiologist
* Engage in IT developments as they apply to service users and service administration
* Keep up to date with developments within the organisation and the Irish Health Service
* Perform such other duties appropriate to the office as may be assigned by the Chief Cardiac Physiologist
The above Job Description is not intended to be a comprehensive list of all duties involved and consequently, the post holder may be required to perform other duties as appropriate to the post which may be assigned to him/her from time to time and to contribute to the development of the post while in office.