ENGLISH LANGUAGE CTR, Mercy Ho, Convent Place, Cork, Co. Cork, T12 C673
Eligibility to participate on CE is generally linked to those who are 21 years or over and in receipt of a qualifying social welfare payment for 1 year or more or 18 years and over for certain disadvantaged groups. Your eligibility will have to be verified by the Department.
You can register your interest by selecting the ‘Register your interest’ button or you can contact an Employment Personal Advisor (EPA) in your local Intreo Centre.
Applicants should supply suitable character references and be prepared to complete a Garda vetting application form.
Job Description
This is a developmental opportunity, no experience necessary. Accredited training will be provided to support your career.
* Upkeep of the building inside and outside.
* Opening and closing the centre on occasion.
* Securing of premises.
* Setting up rooms within the centre.
* General D.I.Y. and painting.
* Some outside work would be required.
* Support other staff in the building & work as part of a team.
Contact 021 4316813 or send an email to corkarts1@gmail.com for additional information.
* Sector: administrative and support service activities