DRDO DGRE Apprentice Recruitment 2021 – 48 Vacancies
Department: DRDO - Defence Geoinformatics Research Establishment
Total Vacancies: 48
Positions: ITI/Diploma/Graduate Apprentice
Location: Chandigarh
Qualification: ITI/Diploma/B.Sc. (relevant trades)
Application Procedure: Offline
Application form: can be downloaded from the website www.drdo.gov.in. The candidates are required to send duly filled application along with desired documents/certificates by post to Director, Defence Geoinformatics Research Establishment (DGRE), Him Parisar, Plot No. 01, Sector 37A, Chandigarh (UT) – 160036.
Application Fees
For all candidates: No Fees
Eligibility Criteria & Vacancies Details
You can find here the eligibility criteria to apply for DRDO DGRE Apprentice Recruitment 2021. The age limit, minimum qualification, number of vacancies and pay scale for DRDO DGRE Apprentice Vacancy 2021 is given below.
Post Name Vacancies Qualification Pay Scale
Apprentice 48 ITI, Diploma, B.Sc. (relevant trades) Rs.7000-9000
Vacancies by Category
Category Qualification Total Posts Stipend (Per Month)
Diploma Apprentice Diploma in Civil Engg 1 Rs.8000/-
Diploma Apprentice Diploma in Computer Science 4 Rs.8000/-
Diploma Apprentice Diploma in Electronics 1 Rs.8000/-
ITI Apprentice ITI (COPA) 6 Rs.7000/-
ITI Apprentice ITI (Hardware and Networking) 1 Rs.7000/-
ITI Apprentice ITI (Draughtsman) 2 Rs.7000/-
ITI Apprentice ITI (Surveyor civil) 2 Rs.7000/-
ITI Apprentice ITI (Geo-Informatics Asstt) 1 Rs.7000/-
ITI Apprentice ITI (Instrument Mechanics) 1 Rs.7000/-
ITI Apprentice ITI (Secretarial Assistant) 3 Rs.7000/-
Graduate Apprentice B.Sc. in Physics 1 Rs.9000/-
Graduate Apprentice B.Sc. in Maths/Statistics 1 Rs.9000/-
Important Links
You can find here all important links to apply for DRDO DGRE Apprentice Recruitment 2021. We advise candidates to read the official notification before filing the application form for DRDO DGRE Apprentice Vacancy 2021.