Assistant Staff Officer (Grade IV) MTU Healthy Campus Programme Reporting to: Head of Department of Sport, Leisure & Childhood Studies Location:Bishopstown Campus, Cork Duration: Fixed Term Whole-Time Contract to 30th June 2026 Funding/Project: TSAF OverviewoftheRole: Munster Technological University (MTU) invites applications from suitably qualified persons for the position of Assistant Staff Officer Grade IVto assist with the operational co- ordination of MTUs Healthy Campus programme, which has secured funding to support this post from the Technological Sector Advancement Fund (TSAF).
The appointee will work alongside the TSAF Healthy Campus Team to operationally co- ordinate and support the broad range of projects and activities within this environment.
The appointee will be primarily based in the Cork Campus, but may have responsibilities in the Kerry Campus from time to time (e.g., Campus Health Promotion Events) Maindutiesandresponsibilitieswillincludeoneormoreofthefollowing,butnotlimited to: Operationalco-ordinationof,theMTUHealthyCampusSteeringGroup(SG),asrequired by the Project Lead; OversightofadministrativetasksassociatedwithallHealthyCampusmeetingsandinitiatives; Maintenance ofaccuraterecordsofall meetingsrelatingto the HealthyCampusproject; MaintenanceofaccurateprocurementrecordsassociatedwiththeHealthyCampusproject (in collaboration with the Budget Holder); Administrative assistance and contribution to Healthy Campus Working Group meetings and activities, as required by the Project Leadership Team; Administrative and operational assistance to MTUs Healthy Campus research activities, as required; Contributionstointerim and final project reports,asrelevant; AssistancewiththepreparationofMTUsHealthyCampusStrategic Actionplan; Administrativeand operationalcontributionsto Healthy Campusinitiativesand events(in conjunction with the Healthy Campus Team); PromotionofHealthy Campusinitiativesand events; OtherdutiesassociatedwiththeimplementationoftheHealthyCampusproject,asindicated by the Project Leadership Team.
Thesuccessfulcandidatewillhaveminimumacademicqualificationsandexperienceas follows: Essential: Have obtained at least Grade D3 in five subjects in the Leaving Certificate Examination (higher, ordinary, applied, or vocational programmes) or equivalent or have passed an examination at the appropriate level within the QQI qualifications framework which can be assessed as being of a comparable to Leaving Certificate standard or equivalent or higher orhave appropriate relevantexperience whichencompassesequivalentskillsand expertise; Desirable: An appropriate knowledge and skill in the use of information and communication technologies is essential and to be able to work to deadlines from time to time.
Somedutieswillinvolveaccessto,andprocessingof,significantconfidentialinformation and will involve regular interaction with academic and other administrative staff, students,thepublic,externalorganisationsandindividualsatalllevelswherediscretion, tact and courtesy and sound judgement will be required.
Goodorganisationalskillsare essential.
A relevantqualification, or have appropriate relevant experience, which encompassesequivalent skills and expertise.
Abilitytocommunicateat alllevels.
Beableto workonhis/her owninitiative and part ofateam.
Aligned expertise or specific skills in an area of relevance to the MTU Healthy Campus programme.
TermsoftheAppointment: SalaryScale:GradeIV€37,217to€53,301perannum,includingtwolongservice increments FixedTerm Contractto30June202635hoursper week Annual leave: 23daysper annum TheInterviewProcess: Ifinvitedtointerview,itislikelycandidateswillbeassessedattheinterviewunderthe following criteria: TeamworkingandOrganisationalSkills ITSkills Interpersonaland CommunicationSkills RelevantKnowledgeandExperience Additionalcriteriamay beadded fortheInterviewastheneed arises.
ImportantNotes: Screeningandshort-listingonlytakesplaceonthebasisofinformationsubmittedonthe application.Inadditiontotheminimumcriteria,itmaybenecessarytointroducefurther shortlisting criteria.
Candidates should note that they may be called for more than one interview.
Please ensure that full information is given on qualifications and that the information is accurate and corresponds to the original transcript of qualifications.
Please ensure that those you nominate as referees are contacted by you and will be able to supply a reference, if requested.
TheUniversityregretsthatitcannotpayexpensesforcandidatesattendinginterviewsfor this post or for taking up the position, if appointed.
Applicationsreceivedaftertheclosingdatewill notbeaccepted.
Appointmentswill be subjecttoGarda Vetting.
AdditionalInformation: Asuccessfulcandidatewillberequiredtosubmitapassport,documentaryevidenceconfirming academic qualifications, and to undergo a medical examination.
Garda vetting and/or an international police clearance may also be required.
References will be sought in relation to successful candidate.
MTU welcomes applications from non-EEA citizens.
However, employee permit regulations set by the Department of Enterprise, Trade & Employment must be strictly adhered to.
Any appointment offer to Non-EEA candidates is subject to the granting of a work permit by Euraxess Ireland or relevant Immigration permissions/stamp.
Candidates may be required to produce documentary evidence to support any statements made by them on their application form or any supporting documentation.
Candidates should note that any inaccurate information will invalidate their application.
ApplicationProcess: Applications by MTU eRecruitment system only.
Applications will not be accepted in any other format.
Please log on to to apply for this position.
Closing date for receipt of completed applications is1.00pmonMonday2ndDecember2024.
Theinformationgiveninthisdocumentisofageneralinformationnatureonlyandshould not be taken as contractual.
MTU is an equal opportunities employer Skills: Health & Wellbeing Administration