Applications are invited for a permanent post of a Deputy Director of Accounting and Financial Reporting within UCD Finance Office.
The Deputy Director of Financial Reporting and Operations is responsible for overseeing the university's financial reporting and accounting functions.
This role includes the management of the statutory accounts reporting cycle for both the university and its wholly owned subsidiaries, ensuring timely preparation, accuracy, and compliance with relevant financial standards, including FRS102 and US GAAP.
The Deputy Director will coordinate the annual audits and will secure the approval of Consolidated Financial Statements within the agreed timeframes.
In addition, this role will lead the Lead the month-end and year-end closing processes, ensuring all financial data is reconciled and verified.
The Deputy Director will also play a critical role in managing both state aid reporting, ensuring accurate accounting separation, compliance with regulations and annual certified covenant reporting to lenders.
95 Senior Administrative Officer III ) Salary scale: €88,606 - €125,133 per annum Appointment will be made on scale and in accordance with the Department of Finance guidelines.
Closing date: 12:00 noon (local Irish time) on 13/03/2025 Applications must be submitted by the closing date and time specified.
Any applications which are still in progress at the closing time of 12:00 noon (Local Irish Time) on the specified closing date will be cancelled automatically by the system.
UCD are unable to accept late applications.
UCD do not require assistance from Recruitment Agencies.
Any CV's submitted by Recruitment Agencies will be returned.
Tugtar cuireadh d'iarratais ar post buan : Leas-Stirthir Cuntasaochta agus Tuairisci Airgeadais laistigh de Oifig Airgeadais.
T an Leas-Stirthir Tuairisci Airgeadais agus Oibrochta freagrach as maoirseacht a dhéanamh ar fheidhmeanna tuairiscithe airgeadais agus cuntasaochta na hollscoile.
irtear leis an rl seo bainistocht thimthriall tuairiscithe na gcuntas reachtil don ollscoil agus d fochuideachta faoi lninéireacht araon, ag cinnti ullmh trthil, cruinneas agus comhlonadh na gcaighden airgeadais bhartha, lena n-irtear FRS102 agus GAAP na Stt Aontaithe.
Déanfaidh an Leas-Stirthir comhord ar na hinichta bliantla agus gheobhaidh siad faomhadh na Riteas Airgeadais Comhdhlite laistigh de na tréimhs ama comhaontaithe.
Ina theannta sin, beidh an rl seo i gceannas ar na prisis dnta ag deireadh na mosa agus ag deireadh na bliana, ag cinnti go ndéantar na sonra airgeadais go léir a réiteach agus a fhor.
Beidh rl rthbhachtach ag an LeasStirthir freisin maidir le tuairisci sttchabhrach a bhainisti, scaradh cruinn cuntasaochta a chinnti, comhlonadh rialachn agus tuairisci bliantil cnaint dheimhnithe d'iasachtir.
Tuarastail: €88,606 - €125,133 p in aghaidh na bliana Déanfar an ceapachn ar scla agus de réir threoirlnte na Roinne Airgeadais Dta dnta: 12:00 uair (am itiil na hireann) ar 13/03/2025 N mr iarratas a bheith istigh faoin am agus dta at sonraithe.
Déanfar aon iarratas at fs ar sil ag an am dnta 12:00 uair (Am itiil na hireann) ar an dta dnta sonraithe a scriosadh go huathoibroch ag an gcras.
N féidir le UCD glacadh le hiarratais dhéanacha.
Nl cnamh ag teastil UCD Ghnomhaireachta Earcaochta.
Seolfar ar ais aon CV a chuir na Gnomhaireachta Earcaochta isteach.
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