Health and Safety Officer Fulltime Location: Dublin Salary: €50031-€61118 Reports to: Head of Services Peter McVerry Trust is a national housing and homeless charity committed to reducing homelessness & the harm caused by substance misuse & social disadvantage.
The charity provides low-threshold entry services, primarily to younger people and vulnerable adults with complex needs, and offers pathways out of homelessness based onthe principles of the Housing First model.
The Purpose for the Role: The Health & Safety Officerwill join the Corporate Services Department, supporting PMVT to achieve its operational & strategic vision through the successful implementation of the services we deliver.
The purpose of the role is to facilitate compliance with the Safety Statement and associated processes, policies and legislation within PMVT.
With a focus on housing and homeless services, the Health and Safety Officer will develop, implement, and oversee comprehensive systems and programmes to safeguard the well-being of participants, staff & members of the public.
The ultimate goal is to foster a culture of safety and compliance while supporting the organisations mission to provide secure housing solutions to the homeless and vulnerable populations.
Responsibilities: Health and Safety Programme Development: Develop,implement,andcontinuouslyimproveacomprehensivehealth,safety&well-beingprogramme specifically tailored to the needs of housing and homeless services.
EnsureRegulatoryCompliance:Alignprogrammeswithnationalandlocalsafetyregulationsand incorporate best practices within the social services sector.
DevelopResources:Createengagingsafetymanualsanddetailedemergencypreparednessplansto meet the unique demands of the organisation.
To provide specialist advice, guidance and instruction regarding health and safety matters to managementteamsandstaff,toassist localmanagementanddutyholdersinensuringthatthehigh standards of health and safety as dictated by regulatory standards and legislation are met EnsuretheefficientadministrationofHealth&SafetydatacollectionusingtheCRMsystem.
Foster a positive and supportive environment where staff learn from incidents and are willing to report adverse events.
Risk Assessment and Management: Performregularandthoroughhealth,safety&well-beingauditsandrisk assessmentsacrossall services & sites to identify potential hazards.
Developandimplementproactivestrategiestomitigateidentifiedrisks,improvingsafetyoutcomesfor both participants and staff.
Issuerecommendationsoncontrolmeasurestoreduceadverseeffectsonthehealth,safetyand wellbeing of staff, service users and members of the public.
Actively participate in committees & working groups, including health & safety & risk committees Corporate Governance EstablishandmaintainlocalgovernanceproceduresobservinganyapplicableCorporateGovernance arrangements, to ensure that the PMVT Management Team is accurately appraised on the management of health and safety.
Establishsystemstoallowforappropriateorganisationalresponsesto nationalstandardsframeworks& regulatory bodies e.g.
Actasaliaisonwithinsurersinrelationtohealthandsafetyissues Ensure the PMVT Management Team are informed of changes to legislation and actions required to ensure compliance.
Training and Awareness: Developanddelivercomprehensivetrainingprograms designedtoinstillarobustcultureofsafetywithin the organisation.
KnowledgeDissemination:Ensureallstaffarewell-versedinup-to-datesafetyregulations,procedures, and emergency response protocols.
Safety Culture: Organise regular safety workshops and seminars to highlight health and safety responsibilities and best practices for all employees.
Policy and Procedure Implementation: Maintainandensureregulatorycompliancewithhealthandsafetystandardsateverylevelof PMVT.
Regularlyreviewandupdatesafetypoliciesandprocedurestoensurecontinuedrelevanceand effectiveness.
Collaborate with management teams to embed safety considerations seamlessly into all organisational policies and day-to-day operations.
Incident Management and Investigation: Takechargeof investigatinganyhealthandsafetyincidentstodeterminerootcausesandprescribe corrective measures.
IncidentResponseCoordination: Ensuretimelyandefficientresponsestosafetyincidents,emphasizing clear communication and swift resolution.
Record Keeping: Maintain meticulous records of incidents, inspections, and all actions taken, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.
Stakeholder Engagement: Actasprimarypointofcontactforhealthandsafetyregulatorybodiesandinspectors.
Provideregularcomprehensivereportstoseniormanagementonhealthandsafetyperformanceand compliance matters.
Monitor safety standards of contractors & other third parties engaged with PMVT Continuous Improvement: Monitorindustrytrendsandemerginghealthandsafetystandardstokeeporganisationalpracticesat the forefront of developments.
Drive continuous improvement initiatives to enhance health, safety & well-being systems and processes organisation-wide.
Reporting & Analysis: Identifyanddevelopdataandreportingsystemswhichmeettheorganisationalneed inreal-time, informative, accurate data to inform policy development using the available platforms.
Conductdataanalysistoidentifytrends,risks,andopportunitiesforimprovementinpolicydevelopment Preparepresentationsandbriefingsforinternalandexternalstakeholders,committees,andworking groups.
Providemonthlyreportingonkeyareasofworksensuringreportsareaccurateandconcise Prepare documentation for the Board and contribute to executive reports.
General WorkcollaborativelywithcolleaguesintheCorporateServicesDepartmenttoensureDepartment Business Plan & targets are met, productivity maintained & team standards upheld.
Providesupportandcoverageforteammembersduringperiodsofleave,training,orotherabsencesto ensure continuity of operations.
RepresentPMVTatevents,conferences,andinvariouspartnershipstoenhancevisibilityandfoster collaborations.
Commitment to fostering a cooperative & supportive team environment.
Key Skills & Knowledge Essential: Hold a Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) Level 8 (or higher) major academic award (e.g.
Honours Degree or Higher Diploma) in Health and Safety, or other relevant area (that is, a qualification or cognate degree accredited by Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) for membership at Graduate or higher level Aminimumof3yearsexperienceinanOccupationalHealthandSafetyOfficer/ Advisorrolepreferablyinthenon-profitorsocialsector.
RelevantProfessionalMembershipaccreditation Full driving licence and use of car / Ability to meet the mobility requirements of the post Demonstrateexpertknowledgeofhealthandsafetymanagementsystemsand processes.
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of safety statements, risk assessment / risk registers / reporting, monitoring and auditing.
Demonstrate expertise in preparing for internal and external standards assessments Demonstrate understanding of the statutory requirements relating to health and safety, and demonstrate the ability to interpret the law in the context of the organisation.
Strong analytical, problem-solving skills & decision-making skills, with the capability to design and implement practical solutions.
Demonstrate excellent written communication skills including strong report writing and presentation skills (with the ability to draft clear and concise reports, proposals, and other documents) Demonstrate effective verbal communication & interpersonal skills, delivering complex information clearly, concisely and confidently to a variety of audiences.
Ability to work both independently and as part of a dynamic team in challenging environments.
Demonstrate the ability to build and maintain relationships with colleagues and other stakeholders to achieve results through collaborative working.
Proficiency in Microsoft Office applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint).
Demonstrate evidence of excellent organisational skills & of setting high standards of performance for self and others, ensuring accurate attention to detail and consistent adherence to procedures and current standards within area of responsibility.
Handle conflict situations in a confident and positive manner and is tenacious in achieving objectives Aproactiveapproach,withtheabilitytomanagemultipletasksandpriorities.
Willingnesstoundertakefurtherprofessionaldevelopment Commitment to the ethos and values of Peter McVerry Trust Desirable Demonstrate the ability to proactively identify areas for improvement and to develop practical solutions for their implementation.
Demonstrate the ability to embrace change and adapt local work practices accordingly by finding practical ways to make policies work, ensuring the team knows how to action changes.
Demonstrate the ability to use resources effectively, challenging processes to improve efficiencies where appropriate.
Experience working in a social housing environment Other Information: Confidentiality: It is a condition of service that all information obtained during the course of employment, especially with regard to participants affairs is treated with the strictest confidence.
EqualOpportunities: To implement Equal Opportunities into your daily practice at all times HealthandSafety: To be responsible for your own health and safety and that of your Colleagues in accordance with relevant PMVT policies and procedures.
Howtoapply: To apply please download the application form by clicking Apply below.
Completed application forms should be sentwith your CV and Cover Letter.
All information is on our website by clicking Apply below Peter McVerry Trust is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Registration Number 412953 | Charity Number CHY7256