Job Title: Manager
This role is responsible for the overall management and operation of Little Folks Academy Ltd. The successful candidate will be responsible for ensuring the ongoing successful management and financial viability of the full day care and afterschool business.
Key Responsibilities
* Ensure the ongoing successful management and financial viability of the full day care and afterschool business.
* Ensure that the full day care and afterschool operates at full capacity to include matching of full day care, ECCE Scheme, and part-time places.
* Manage the registration of all new children and waiting in line with the Admissions Policy and Procedure.
* Maintain and monitor security, systems and alarms, for the building.
* Maintain accurate and up-to-date records for all aspects of the business.
* Operate the company within the given financial budget and manage company accounts and liaise with the accountant as appropriate.
Childcare Practice
* Work with the staff in developing the curriculum for each room within the service ensuring that the activities and programmes are linked to Aistear, the National Curriculum and Síolta, the National Quality Framework.
* Ensure that the curriculum and activities meet the developmental needs of the children.
* Ensure the curriculum is age and stage appropriate and promotes the children's development within the in-door and outdoor environment.
Child Protection
* Act as the Designated Child Protection Liaison Person in the full day care service and the afterschool in line with Children First: National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children, 2011.
* Ensure that all staff understand their roles and responsibilities in relation to child protection concerns in the full day care service and the afterschool.
Working in Partnership with Parents
* Build relationships with parents and ensure all staff engage and communicate with parents.
* Ensure an effective communication system with parents/guardians is maintained.
Staff Management
* Develop and maintain a Best Practice culture as outlined in Síolta, Aistear.
* Maintain the staffing requirements as set out in the Child Care Act 1991 [Early Years Services] Regulations 2016 and the Child Care Act 1991 [Early Years Services] [Registration of School Age Services] Regulations 2018.
Health & Safety
* Liaise with Little Dinners in the full day care service regarding menu and related purchases.
* Ensure that all HACCP records are maintained.
Meeting and Reporting Responsibilities
* Attend meetings with the Owner/Director and present progress reports as required.
* Ensure accurate records of meetings with the Staff are kept.
* Keep abreast of all policy issues and new developments within the business sector.
* Ensure that the business is prepared for a Tusla Child and Family Agency Early Years Inspection, Pobal inspection and any other relevant agencies inspections.
* QQI Level 7 or Level 8 Minimum.