Post Title: Staff Nurse
Post Status: Permanent
Department: Endoscopy Unit
Location: Beaumont Hospital, Beaumont, Dublin 9, Ireland
Reports to: Clinical Nurse Manager II / Assistant Director of Nursing
Salary: Appointment will be made on Staff Nurse Grade (€35,919 - €53,851) at a point in line with Government pay policy
Hours of work: Full Time 37.5 Hours Per Week (Monday to Friday days)
Closing Date: 12 Noon on Friday 14/03/2025 (Please note the hospital reserves the right to close the competition early should a substantial number of applications be received)
Position Summary: As a Staff Nurse in Beaumont Hospital, you will be expected to take responsibility for each shift for a caseload of patients. You will assess, plan, implement and evaluate care within the Roper, Logan and Tierney Model of Nursing. In addition, you are expected to practice within the Code of Practice guidelines from An Bord Altranais and within the Nursing and other Hospital Policies and Procedures. You will be held accountable to the Clinical Nurse Manager 2 and in his/her absence to the delegated nurse holding shift responsibility for the ward. Discretion, initiative and an interest in teaching student nurses and preliminary training students to function independently is also a prerequisite. Overall, your responsibilities may be divided into clinical, professional, managerial and educational categories.
Summary of Responsibilities:
1. Maintain a high standard of nursing care.
2. Develop clinical expertise, leadership and teaching skills through nursing practice.
3. Share responsibility with the nursing team for the management of nursing care and the patients' environment under the direction of the Clinical Nurse Manager/Charge Nurse.
4. Maintain a high standard of professional and ethical responsibility.
Role: To provide and maintain effective, individualised nursing care by:
1. Assessing (with the patients where possible) physical, psychological and social problems and the need for nursing intervention.
2. Preparing and updating the nurse care plans within a nursing framework to include treatment delegated by medical staff.
3. Assisting medical staff in their treatment of patients through the coordination of care and treatments provided by other disciplines and integrating these into the care plan.
4. Acting as team leader in giving skilled nursing care and treatments for a caseload of patients.
5. Planning the involvement of the patient’s relatives, teaching and supervising nursing techniques in preparation for the transfer home.
6. Utilising assessment skills and techniques to determine patient needs on admission.
7. Completing and documenting the nursing admission assessment in a thorough and accurate manner.
8. Assessing patient condition on an ongoing basis.
9. Assessing the need for patient/family instruction.
10. Developing and documenting a plan of care based on patient needs.
11. Updating the written plan of care based on patient needs.
12. Developing patient teaching and discharge plans as necessary.
13. Collaborating with other health team members in planning care.
14. Providing safe, comprehensive nursing care to a caseload of patients within the guidelines laid out by An Bord Altranais.
15. Knowing and practicing according to established legal requirements, policy and procedures.
16. Establishing care priorities based on nursing/medical patient problems.
17. Performing procedures accurately, completely and safely.
18. Providing care with minimal supervision in a timely manner.
19. Maintaining a safe environment for patients.
20. Respecting the dignity and confidentiality of patients, serving as an advocate as necessary.
21. Functioning quickly and effectively in an emergency situation.
22. Adapting to changing workload.
23. Dealing with ward incidents and accidents in accordance with hospital policy. Accurately recording and reporting detail.
24. Contributing to nursing quality assurance by assisting in the identification of recurrent nursing problems and cooperating in data collection.
Communication Skills:
1. Documenting according to policy and procedure.
2. Reporting verbally and in writing pertinent patient care information to appropriate nursing/medical personnel.
3. Communicating appropriately with patients/relatives, colleagues and other members of the health care team.
4. Approaching interpersonal relationships in a manner that avoids antagonism, reduces conflict and prevents undue anxiety.
5. Recognising self-limitations and requesting assistance.
Professional Responsibilities:
1. Supporting the philosophy, objectives and goals of the nursing department and hospital.
2. Following appropriate lines of authority by discussing issues firstly with Clinical Nurse Manager, then with Assistant Director of Nursing, and then with the Directorate Nurse Manager.
3. Demonstrating flexibility by assisting in other areas of the Hospital as needed.
Management Responsibilities:
1. Demonstrating ability to organise care for a caseload of patients.
2. Using time effectively.
3. Showing ability to delegate work to Staff Nurses, Student Nurses or others.
4. Using discretion for decision making regarding patient care.
5. Displaying initiative.
6. Reporting ongoing problems to Ward Sister.
Education Responsibilities:
1. Demonstrating ability to teach and guide more Junior Staff/Students.
2. Showing interest in Post Graduate Education/Self Development.
3. Attending required standard number of Study Days in the year.
The job description indicates the main function and responsibilities of the post and is subject to review and amendment. Other specific work not covered in this job description may also be assigned by the Director of Nursing from time to time.
Selection Criteria: Selection criteria outline the qualifications, skills, knowledge and/or experience that the successful candidate would need to demonstrate for successful discharge of the responsibilities of the post. Applications will be assessed on the basis of how well candidates satisfy these criteria.
Mandatory: Applicants must be registered on the General Register of Nurses maintained by The Nursing & Midwifery Board, Ireland and have name maintained on Live Register.
Desirable: Nursing care experience
Further Information for Candidates
Supplementary information:
The Hospital: www.beaumont.ie
Management Unit: www.beaumont.ie/hr
Informal Enquiries ONLY to:
Name: Claire Ryan
Title: Assistant Director of Nursing - Endoscopy
Email address: claireryan@beaumont.ie
Telephone: 01 8528308
Application Procedure: To apply, please click HERE.
A short listing exercise may be carried out on the basis of information supplied in your application. The criteria for ranking and/or shortlisting are based on the requirements of the post as outlined in the eligibility criteria and skills, competencies and/or knowledge section of this job specification.