Confined Competition - Internal Applicants Only Post Title: Clinical Practice Support Nurse / Clinical Facilitator, Theatre Foundation CoursePost Status: PermanentDepartment Theatre ComplexLocation: Beaumont Hospital, Dublin 9Reports to: CNM 3 / ADON Theatre Salary: Appointment will be made on CNM 2 Pay scale (€59,661 - €75,389) at a point in line with Government pay policy. Hours of work: Full Time 37.5 Hrs Closing Date: Monday 10th March 2025 @ 12 noon Position Summary:The Clinical Practice Support Nurse (CPSN) is a key member of the Nursing Management Team within the Critical Care & Anaesthetic Directorate. The role centres on the identification, support and provision of learning opportunities in clinical nursing practice. The combined Clinical Facilitator for the Theatre Foundation Course & CPSN is responsible for promoting best practice through staff development and education. The Clinical Support Nurse for the Theatre Department acts as a resource facilitator to assist individual staff nurses to reach their full potential at each stage of development with the ultimate aim of being able to assume the role of an expert in the management of patients in the perioperative setting to include scrub, circulating anaesthetic and recovery room nursing. The successful candidate must have appropriate interpersonal, communication and negotiation skills to perform the role effectively.
RESPONSIBILITIES:The Clinical Support Nurse for will work alongside staff nurses assigned to a Patient (s) supporting them in assessing, planning, implementing and evaluating patient care during their peri operative journey. The main objectives of the role will be:• To assist newly appointed staff nurses to provide a safe and competent level of nursing care to patients during their perioperative journey.• To provide training and support to staff nurses in the use of equipment and in the performance of technical procedures.• To design, implement and evaluate staff orientation, clinical induction and ongoing professional development programmes for registered nurses in consultation with relevant staff.• To actively participate in the development and implementation of post graduate and modules in Theatre Programmes.• Provide effective leadership in promoting the review and development of evidence based nursing practice.• Assist in the development and updating of relevant policies and protocols relevant to the areas and perform relevant audits.• Participating in the development and review of standards of nursing practice. • Carrying out and documenting continuous appraisal of course nurses and discussing their progress.• Network with fellow RCSI Hospital Group members on the development and co-ordination of the Theatre Foundation Course A. CLINICAL PRACTICE1. Support course nurses by;1. Encouraging the learner to apply theory to practice when carrying out patient care. 2. Allocating each course nurse to ensure they experience caring for a wide range of patients with complex issues.3. Working with the course participant on clinical shifts to demonstrate clinical skills and re-enforce learning4. Ensuring all course nurses competency skills are assessed. 5. Assisting course nurses with projects.2. Involvement in learning strategies to include clinical case presentation, tutorials, journal club and instructional sessions regarding the use of medical technology.3. Liaise with like Units / Specialties nationally and internationally and any other group that will enhance clinical development.4. Ensure manual of policies and procedures are up to date5. Supporting the introduction and delivery of the foundation course for staff nurses as part of the Theatre Nurse pathway.6. Supporting clinical practice of staff nurses in the Radiology Department. PRACTICE SUPPORT1. Assess and identify individual staff nurses teaching and development needs through observation in practice and by assisting the nurse to identify his/her learning needs.2. Agree objectives for learning and development based on needs assessment.3. Support and assist individual staff nurses to achieve their professional development objectives by providing teaching and learning opportunities in the clinical setting, demonstrating skilled nursing care, encouraging staff nurses to analyse information, interpret the patient’s condition and develop clinical decision making skills.4. Keep individual staff nurses informed of their progress and encourage feedback regarding strengths, weaknesses, potential and need for further clinical training and experience. Deal effectively with non performance.5. Discuss individual staff nurses’ progress with the clinical nurse manager as necessary and prior to performance appraisal review and advice on the next stage of development and level of responsibility that might safely be assigned.B PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE1. Provides professional and specialist advice on the provision of a nursing service within the critical care setting.2. Ensures that the requirements of NMBI for the practice of professional nursing are met and upheld.3. Establishes and maintains a high standard of nursing practice within critical care4. Ensures that nursing care is delivered within the parameters of the Department of Nursing and Hospital Policies and Procedures.C. EDUCATION AND STAFF DEVELOPMENT1. Assesses and identifies training and development needs for nursing staff within the Theatre Complex undertaking the Foundation Programme, and recommend these to the CNM 3 / ADON/ Directorate Nurse Manager.2. Contribute to the development of training programmes where appropriate.3. Participates in:a. Staff development programmes to support new clinical servicesb. Post graduate training programmes and educational programmes as pertinent to Theatre Nursing in line with scope of practice. 4. Acts as an effective role model by demonstrating skilled nursing care in the clinical situation for registered staff and student nurses.5. Develop clinical induction programmes appropriate to each clinical area within. Induction training will place particular emphasis on discussing the objectives of care for specific groups of patients, providing basic knowledge and skills required to care for such patient groups. 6. Provide leadership in the development, implementation and evaluation of post graduate Theatre Nursing Programmes to include the development and delivery of lectures/tutorial presentations, providing advice to students regarding course work and serving as an examiner of course work as appropriate. 7. Introduce ongoing learning strategies appropriate to the area. Such strategies to include clinical case presentations, tutorials, journal club and instructional sessions regarding the use of medical/Surgical technology. Establish and maintain a sub-library appropriate to the immediate learning needs of the Theatre Nurses.8. Design, implement and update staff orientation programmes appropriate to Anaesthetic, Recovery and Theatre supported with relevant information packs. (This programme will be run in addition to the mandatory hospital orientation programme for all new staff).9. In conjunction with the clinical nurse managers facilitate the organisation; of attendance at mandatory study days for new staff nurses.10. Develop clinical induction programmes appropriate to each clinical area. Induction training will place particular emphasis on discussing the objectives of care for specific groups of patients, providing basic knowledge and skills required to care for such patient groups.11. Establish arrangements with relevant nursing and multi-disciplinary staff to participate in ongoing training programmes. D. SELF DEVELOPMENTThe post holder is expected to:1. Maintain and update knowledge and keep abreast of relevant new literature professional development and all current trends in critical care. 2. Develop and maintain personal nursing practice skills in Theatre Nursing through direct patient care. 3. The post holder may be required to work clinical shifts in Theatre.4. Accept performance / appraisal review with CNM 3/ ADON at least once a year. 5. Ensure that the clinical training and development of nurses is within the parameters of the Department of Nursing and hospital policies and procedures.6. Ensure that nursing personnel demonstrate knowledge of An Bord Altranais Code of Professional Conduct.7. The post holder will assume responsibly for his/her own self-development by:-8. Maintaining and updating knowledge by keeping abreast of developments in nursing practice, nursing literature and recent nursing research. E. STANDARDS AND QUALITY OF CARE AND WORK1. Leads nursing staff on achieving key quality indicators against which clinical practice can be measured.2. Initiates regular audit of nursing practices and procedures through discussion with Consultants, CNM’s and Staff Nurses, and Patients by direct observation and by audit surveys.3. Identifies Health & Safety issues for both staff and patients.4. Co-ordinate and facilitate the review of nursing practice and guidelines for practice by:• Examining existing nursing practices and guidelines for practice in consultation with clinical nurse managers, staff nurses and the multidisciplinary team. This will involve coordination of the Policy Review Group and may involve setting up project workshops relating to the review of certain practices specific to Theatre. • Reviewing new literature relating to the specific area under review and formulating draft guidelines for further consideration. The job description indicates the main function and responsibilities of the post and is subject to review and amendment. Other specific work not covered in this job description may also be assigned by The Directorate Nurse Manager or Director of Nursing from time to time.
Selection Criteria:Selection criteria outline the qualifications, skills, knowledge and/or experience that the successful candidate would need to demonstrate for successful discharge of the responsibilities of the post.Applications will be assessed on the basis of how well candidates satisfy these criteria. Mandatory:1. Statutory Registration, Professional Qualifications, Experience, etc(a) Eligible applicants will be those who on the closing date for the competition:(i) Are registered in the relevant division of the Register of Nurses & Midwivesmaintained by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI) (BordAltranais agus Cnáimhseachais na hÉireann) or entitled to be so registered.(ii) Have at least 5 years post registration experience (or an aggregrate of 5 yearsfulltime post registration experience) of which 2 years must be in the specialityor related area.(iii) Have the clinical, managerial and administrative capacity to properly dischargethe functions of the role.(iv) Candidates must demonstrate evidence of continuous professional development.(b) Candidates must possess the requisite knowledge and ability including a high standard ofsuitability and clinical, managerial and administrative capacity to properly discharge thefunctions of the role.2. Annual registration(i) On appointment, practitioners must maintain live annual registration on the relevantdivision of the Register of Nurses and Midwives maintained by the Nursing andMidwifery Board of Ireland (Bord Altranais agus Cnáimhseachais na hÉireann).(ii) Confirm annual registration with NMBI to the HSE by way of the annual PatientSafety Assurance Certificate (PSAC).3. HealthCandidates for and any person holding the office must be fully competent and capable ofundertaking the duties attached to the office and be in a state of health such as would indicate areasonable prospect of ability to render regular and efficient service.4. CharacterCandidates for and any person holding the office must be of good character. DesirableQUALIFICATIONS:1. Have undertaken formal recognised post registration education programme relevant to the area at level 9 or above on the NQAI framework.2. Management course is desirable. Further Information for Candidates:Supplementary information: The Hospitalwww.beaumont.ieManagement Unit:www.beaumont.ie/hrOther (Please specify): Informal Enquiries ONLY to: Name:Clare Morris / Sinead EdneyTitle:ADON Theatre / ADON – Theatre Project ImprovementsEmail address:Claremorris@beaumont.ie/ Sineadedney@beaumont.ieTelephone:01 797 7397/ 01 797 7923