Applications are invited for the following Post in the
Technological University Dublin:
Competition ID Post: Post-Doctoral Researcher in Advanced Manufacturing & Engineering - ARISE PROJECT - School of Mechanical Engineering (Fixed Term Specified Purpose Wholetime for up to 5 years with initial funding in place for 2 years) (Reference: 112/2025)
The post will be based at one of the TU Dublin Campuses i.e.
Grangegorman (Parkhouse), Blanchardstown or Tallaght.
Hours of Work:
A 37 hour working week is in operation.
The successful candidate will be appointed at point (01) of the Post-Doctoral Researcher Salary Scale i.e.
€48,412 gross per annum.
Remuneration may be adjusted from time to time in line with Government pay policy.
Incremental credit may apply in line with University policy.
Closing Date: 07th April 2025at 5.00 p.m. (Irish time).
Late applications will not be accepted.
It is anticipated that interviews for this post will take place in the beginning of 02nd May 2025.
The interview assessment will be 40 minutes in length and will include a presentation of 7 minutes duration.
The topic of this presentation will be as follows: Advancing Smart Machining with Sensor Technology Challenges & Opportunities Application Details/Procedures: For further information and to make an online application for the above post please visit website visit Technological University Dublin is an equal opportunities employer Person Specification TU Dublin is committed to being fully inclusive, which actively recruits, supports and retains staff from all sectors of society.
We value diversity as well as celebrate, support and thrive on the contributions of all our employees and the community they represent.
We are proud to be an equal opportunities employer and encourage applications from everybody, regardless of race, sex, ethnicity, religion, nationality, sexual orientation, age, disability, gender identity, marital status/civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, as well as being open to flexible working practices.
During the recruitment and section process, candidates will be expected to demonstrate an appropriate mix of knowledge, experience and skills described below.
For shortlisting purposes, candidates will be expected to demonstrate the degree to which they meet both the essential and desirable criteria set out below.
Theidealcandidatewilldemonstratetheappropriatemixofknowledge,experience,skills,talent and abilities required for the role as outlined below and must satisfy all of the essential criteria: Essential A PhD in Mechanical, Manufacturing Engineering, Mechatronics or Applied Physics Expert competence in data acquisition using LabVIEW, MATLAB or equivalent, and modelling tools such as ANSYS or equivalent software.
Expert competence in data analysis including signal processing, data visualisation and algorithm development using MATLAB and/or Python and interpreting experimental results Experience in developing research funding proposals Effective written and verbal communication skills Candidates will be shortlisted based on their demonstration of meeting every essential criterion so are asked to clearly outline how their experience and qualifications meet the criteria.
Desirable Evidence of strong collaboration record, particularly with industry partners Experience working on collaborative projects Candidates may be shortlisted on the basis of none, one or more of these desirable criteria and are asked to clearly outline how their experience and qualifications meet the criteria.
Further information for Post-doctoral Researcher In the case of a 1st Post-doctoral Fellowship where the applicant may not have graduated yet, the successful applicant must, at the time of appointment, provide a letter from the appropriate graduate studies office confirming that the student has completed the programme including all the examination requirements and is just awaiting the formal graduation ceremony and the likely date on which that will take place.
Mechanical Engineering