Job Reference: 3271
County: Galway
HSE Area: HSE West & North West Region
Staff Category: Health and Social Care Professionals
Contract Type: Permanent, Whole Time
Internal/External: Internal/External
Proposed Interview Dates: Interviews will be held as soon as possible after the closing date. Candidates will normally be given at least one week's notice of interview. The timescale may be reduced in exceptional circumstances.
Informal Enquiries: Friday April 11th 2025 at 10am via Rezoomo.
Location of Post: Galway University Hospitals, HSE West & North West Region.
There is currently one permanent full-time post available in the Pharmacy Department, Galway University Hospital. A panel may be created from which permanent and specified purpose vacancies of full or part-time duration may be filled.
Key Responsibilities:
1. Demonstrate depth and breadth of experience in clinical pharmacy services as relevant to the role.