Senior Occupational Therapist (Hand / Upper Limb Service – Plastics and Orthopaedics)
Paid Position
RCSI Hospital Group Area
Occupational Therapy Department
Physical Medicine Service
Connolly Hospital, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15
Job Purpose
The person appointed to this Senior Occupational Therapist post will work as part of the multi-disciplinary teams delivering a coordinated approach to patients in the Occupational Therapy Hand Therapy (Hand / Upper Limb Service for the Plastics and Orthopaedic Services (hereafter referred to as Hand Therapy).
The successful candidate will be responsible for the day-to-day operation of their relevant complex patient caseload, the assessment and treatment of the Hand Therapy / Upper Limb Service.
The Hand Therapy service is staffed by 3 whole time equivalent posts: 2 at clinical specialist grade and one at a senior grade. The Regional Plastic Surgery Service for the RCSI Hospital Group is based in Connolly Hospital and the Occupational Therapy Department provides the Hand Therapy input for this speciality. The occupational therapy service has 2 clinical specialists posts: one in Plastics and one in Orthopaedics. Connolly Hospital manages a high percentage of trauma patients compared with the volume of elective patients.
The successful candidate will work in conjunction with other team members in delivering an efficient service to meet the needs of the service user group and the objectives of the organisation.
The Senior Occupational Therapist will develop and maintain high standards of clinical practice within this area through clinical evaluation, audit opportunities and evidence-based occupational therapy practice.
The Senior Occupational Therapist will contribute to a structured process for education of senior and staff grade colleagues, undergraduates and other disciplines in collaboration with the clinical specialist occupational therapists on the service as required
Reporting Relationship
Your professional reporting relationship for clinical governance and clinical supervision will be the Occupational Therapist Manager In Charge III (hereafter referred to as the Occupational Therapist Manager), the Head of Discipline of the service (or her/his designated person as appropriate through the department's professional line management structure.
Key Responsibilities:
The Senior Occupational Therapist will:
* Be responsible for the maintenance of standards of practice of self and staff appointed to clinical/designated area(s)
* Be responsible for managing own caseload and for assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation of treatment programmes for service users according to service standards
* Ensure the quality of documentation of all assessments, treatment plans, progress notes, reports and discharge summaries are in accordance with local service and professional standards
* Foster and maintain professional working relationships with colleagues, front line managers, and other healthcare personnel in the team
* In conjunction with the Occupational Therapist Manager, and the Clinical Specialist Occupational Therapists be involved in service planning and development by anticipating the changing needs of the service and service users
* Provide direction and support to ensure the continuing development of the occupational therapy staff grades and students in the Occupational Therapy Service
* Demonstrate a commitment to research and evidence-based practice, identifying and contributing to research, clinical evaluation and audit opportunities
* Assist/be responsible as designated for the day-to-day running of the Hand Therapy Service by supervising staff, prioritising and allocating work
* Communicate verbally and/or in writing results of assessments, treatment/intervention programmes and recommendations to the team and relevant others in accordance with service policy
* Participate in teams as appropriate, communicating and working in co-operation with other team members
* Attend clinics, review meetings, team meetings, case conferences, ward rounds etc. as designated by Occupational Therapist Manager or the Clinical Specialist Occupational Therapists
* Ensure that staff in the designated service area(s) arrange and carry out duties in a timely manner, within settings appropriate to service user's needs, and in line with local policy/guidelines
* Be responsible for adhering to existing standards and protocols and for leading out on the development and maintenance of standards/strategies for quality improvement and outcome measurement
* Seek advice and assistance with any assigned duties in line with principles of evidence-based practice and clinical governance
* Be responsible for promoting positive staff morale and team working in conjunction with the Occupational Therapist Manager and Clinical Specialist Occupational Therapists in the Hand Therapy speciality
* Incorporates national and international Evidence Based Occupational Therapy Practice (EBOTP) into their practice
* Ensure that professional standards are maintained in relation to confidentiality, ethics and legislation
* Operate within the scope of Occupational Therapy practice within Ireland and in accordance with local guidelines
* Will adhere to the Ethics for Occupational Therapists from CORU and the AOTI.
Education and Training:
The Senior Occupational Therapist will:
* Participate in all mandatory training programmes
* Participate in continuing professional development including in-service training, attending and presenting at conferences/courses relevant to practice, contributing to research etc. as agreed by the Occupational Therapist Manager
* Engage in professional clinical Occupational Therapist supervision as designated by the Occupational Therapist Manager
* Engage in peer support with Senior Occupational Therapist colleagues
* Be responsible for the direct supervision of Staff Grade Occupational Therapists and/or Occupational Therapy Assistants assigned to the Hand Therapy Service
* Manage, participate and play a key role in the practice education of student therapists, undertaking fieldwork supervisor responsibilities as required
* Take part in teaching/training/supervision of other Occupational Therapy and non-Occupational Therapy staff/students and attend practice educator courses as appropriate.
* Assist in the induction of newly hired/qualified occupational therapists as designated by the Occupational Therapist Manager
* Update knowledge of occupational therapy by personal study, attending lectures and courses
* Develop and maintain competence in current developments in Plastics and Orthopaedic specialities relating to Hand Therapy and the implications which they may have for clinical practice
* Participate in department run training programmes/courses in the speciality area for internal and external occupational therapists/specialist clinicians
Research & Development:
The Senior Occupational Therapist will:
* Undertake research relevant to Hand Therapy in collaboration with the Clinical Specialist Occupational Therapists/peers/colleagues
* Promote occupational therapy practice in line with relevant research and evidence base
* Initiate or participate in innovations in uni/multidisciplinary practice In collaboration with the Occupational Therapist Manager, Clinical Specialist Occupational Therapists and members of the multidisciplinary team
* Disseminate information through seminars and publications, as appropriate
* Network with other occupational therapists in Hand Therapy in the Association of Occupational Therapists of Ireland (AOTI), education providers and other professional bodies to exchange and enhance knowledge base and practice
* Engage with the relevant Advisory Group of the Association of Occupational Therapists of Ireland (AOTI).
Health & Safety:
The Senior Occupational Therapist will:
* Promote a safe working environment in accordance with Health and Safety legislation
* Be aware of and implement agreed policies, procedures and safe professional practice by adhering to relevant legislation, regulations and standards
* Actively participate in risk management issues, identify risks and take responsibility for appropriate action
* Report any adverse incidents in accordance with organisational guidelines.
The Senior Occupational Therapist will:
* Be responsible for the co-ordination and delivery of service in designated area(s)
* Review and allocate resources within the designated area, in collaboration with the Occupational Therapist Manager and the Clinical Specialist Occupational Therapists and relevant others
* Promote good working practice and uniformity of standards of best practice
* Promote quality by reviewing and evaluating the Occupational Therapy service regularly, identifying changing needs and opportunities to improve services, in collaboration with the Occupational Therapist Manager and relevant others
* Develop and implement service/business plans, quality initiatives, audits etc. and report on outcomes in collaboration with the Occupational Therapist Manager and the Clinical Specialist Occupational Therapists
* Collect and evaluate data about the service user group and demonstrate the achievement of the objectives of the service
* Oversee the upkeep of accurate Healthcare Records and other documentation in line with best clinical governance, organisational requirements and the Freedom of Information Act, GDPR and provide reports and other information/statistics as required
* Represent the department/team at meetings and conferences as appropriate
* Liaise with the Occupational Therapist Manager regarding the needs, interests and perspective of Occupational Therapy staff
* Promote good team working, and a culture that values diversity
* Participate in the management of Occupational Therapy stock and equipment in conjunction with the Occupational Therapist Manager and the Clinical Specialist Occupational Therapists
* Engage in IT developments as they apply to service user and service administration
* Keep up to date with developments within the organisation and the Irish Health Service
* Plan leave (including annual/study) and cover for clinics (surgeon/therapy led) within the clinical speciality to ensure that occupational therapy cover is adequate across the Hand Therapy Service including Hand/Upper Limb Trauma – for Orthopaedics and Plastics.
The above Job Specification is not intended to be a comprehensive list of all duties involved and consequently, the post holder may be required to perform other duties as appropriate to the post which may be assigned to him/her from time to time and to contribute to the development of the post while in office.
Essential Criteria Knowledge/Experience Candidates must have at the latest date of application:
1. Statutory Registration, Professional Qualifications, Experience, etc.
Candidates for appointment must:
(a) Hold one of the following qualifications:
i. Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy from the University of Dublin awarded to graduates on successful completion of the four-year University of Dublin pathway/programme to this award Or
ii. Bachelor of Science (Occupational Therapy) from University College Cork Or
iii. Bachelor of Science (Occupational Therapy) from the National University Ireland, Galway Or
iv. Master of Science in Occupational Therapy (Professional Qualification) from University of Limerick Or
v. Hold an Occupational Therapy qualification recognised by the Occupational Therapists Registration Board at CORU AND
(b) Be registered on the Occupational Therapists Register maintained by the Occupational Therapists Registration Board at CORU Or
Applicants who satisfy the conditions set out in Section 91 of the Health and Social Care Professionals Act, (see note 1 below), must submit proof of application for registration with the Occupational Therapists Registration Board at CORU. The acceptable proof is correspondence from the Occupational Therapists Registration Board at CORU confirming their application for registration as a Section 91 applicant. AND
(c) Have a minimum of 3 (three) years post qualification as an occupational therapist. AND
Have satisfactory and recent clinical post graduate experience as an occupational therapist in the practise of Hand Therapy preferably in an acute physical hospital setting. AND
This clinical experience must have been gained as an occupational therapist in the practice of Hand Therapy in one or a combination of plastics/orthopaedics/trauma/rheumatology/burns specialities. AND
(d) Have the requisite knowledge and ability (including a high standard of suitability and professional ability) for the proper discharge of the duties of the office.
Note 1: Section 91 candidates are individuals who qualified before 30 September and have been engaged in the practice of the profession in the Republic of Ireland for a minimum of 2 years fulltime (or an aggregate of 2 years fulltime), between 30th September and 30th September are considered to be Section 91 applicants under the Health and Social Care Professionals Act .
2. Annual Registration
(i) On appointment, practitioners must maintain annual registration on Occupational Therapists Register maintained by the Occupational Therapists Registration Board at CORU. And
(ii) Practitioners must confirm annual registration with CORU to the HSE by way of the annual Patient Safety Assurance Certificate (PSAC).
3. Health
A candidate for and any person holding the office must be fully competent and capable of undertaking the duties attached to the office and be in a state of health such as would indicate a reasonable prospect of ability to render regular and efficient service.
4. Character
Each candidate for and any person holding the office must be of good character.
5. Age
The Public Service Superannuation (Age of Retirement) Act, * set 70 years as the compulsory retirement age for public servants.
* Public Servants not affected by this legislation: Public servants recruited between 1 April and 31 December (new entrants) have no compulsory retirement age. Public servants recruited since 1 January are members of the Single Pension Scheme and have a compulsory retirement age of 70.
The Senior Occupational Therapist will:
* Demonstrate clinical knowledge, clinical reasoning skills and evidence-based practice appropriate to carrying out the duties and responsibilities of the role in line with relevant legislation and standards.
* Demonstrate an appropriate level of understanding of the Occupational Therapy process, the underpinning theory and its application to the role
* Demonstrate evidence of having applied/used appropriate assessment tools and treatments and a knowledge of the implications of outcomes to service users
* Demonstrate the ability to lead on planning and managing the delivery of an optimum service in an effective and resourceful manner
* Demonstrate ability to take initiative and to be appropriately self-directed
* Demonstrate the ability to effectively evaluate information and make appropriate decisions
* Demonstrate a commitment to and the ability to lead on the delivery of a high-quality, person-centred service
* Demonstrate an ability to manage and develop self and others in a working environment
* Demonstrate the ability to work independently as well as part of a team
* Display effective communication and interpersonal skills including the ability to collaborate with colleagues, families, carers, etc.
* Demonstrate the ability to follow line management directions appropriately and to utilise supervision effectively.
Post specific requirements, additional qualification and/or experience:
* Essential that the candidate has recent satisfactory experience in working in an acute Hand Therapy Service preferably in an acute care teaching hospital.
* Evidence of experience with acute hand injuries in hand therapy
* Evidence of experience in splinting acute hand and upper limb injuries in hand therapy
* Evidence of relevant postgraduate Continuing Professional Development (CPD) relating to hand therapy in Plastics/Orthopaedics/Trauma/Burns such as a BAHT qualification from the UK or CHT from ASHT or equivalent in the USA or a recognised third level Higher Education Institute (HEI) (relevant to the post).
Other requirements specific to the post:
* AOTI membership desirable.
* IAHT/BAHT/ASHT membership desirable.
RCSI Skills/Competencies:
1.Technical and Professional Expertise Has a command over the technical/professional skills and knowledge required within the job holder's role and continues to upskill to maintain high professional standards and continuous professional development requirements.
2.Commitment to Quality & Risk Management The ability to focus on understanding stakeholder's needs and expectations and to respond effectively and efficiently to them. Has a good knowledge of and is committed to offer a quality service through the achievement of goals, accreditation standards, other organisation/department standards and risk management frameworks and guidelines.
3.Problem Solving & Decision Making Identifies and solves problems by understanding the situation, seeking additional information, developing and weighing alternatives, and choosing the most appropriate course of action given the circumstances.
4.Patient Centred Demonstrates eagerness to understand patient needs. Views the patient as central to the delivery of every day service through consistent understanding, tolerance, care, support and empathy while promoting empowerment, independence and choice.
* Ensures the team are providing patient centric care/services at all times
* Advocates for the needs of the patient at all times
* Puts processes in place to ensure patient focused results can be achieved
5.Communication & Interpersonal Skills Speaks and writes clearly, fluently and effectively to both individuals and groups; communicates in a manner that will persuade, convince and influence others, in order to motivate, inspire or encourage them to follow a particular course of action.
6.Teamwork Has the ability and desire to work cooperatively with others; collaborating to get the job done. Provides support to colleagues to help develop a strong and cohesive team ethos. Willing to participate as a member of the team.
This Job Description is intended as a basic guide to the scope and responsibilities of the position and is subject to regular review and amendment. The role holder will be required to be flexible in this position and is expected to facilitate working additional hours on occasion, when requested.
Should the role be of interest to you please apply in with your current CV