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To protect our customer’s property, people and/or assets by providing security services to a specific site in direct accordance with the site's published Assignment Instructions (AI’s) and any subsequent changes.
Expectations of this position:
* Fully and satisfactorily complete all of the training that has been agreed is necessary for the particular site.
* Fully and satisfactorily complete all of the tasks and duties on site as defined within the published Assignment Instructions (AI’s).
* Proactively refer to and review the published Assignment Instructions, thus familiarising oneself with any changes and in order to suggest changes that can proactively improve or enhance the level of service.
* Look out for, and immediately report, any Health & Safety hazards, or potential hazards, on site.
* Stay alert to any threats or changes within the work environment in order to take the appropriate action to reduce the chance of disruption, loss or damage.
* Use common sense and initiative by immediately involving others if a situation appears to become threatening.
* Complete an accurate, detailed notebook entry as soon as possible after any incident, which can then be used as part of the Incident Report process.
* Wear the uniform provided correctly at all times, ensuring all items are clean and pressed. Maintain an excellent level of personal grooming and hygiene at all times.
* Maintain a helpful, interested, and courteous approach to team members, customer’s staff, and the general public, as applicable in order to uphold a highly professional image.
Security Officer Specification:
* Excellent oral and written communication skills.
* PSA Licence is essential.
* Excellent personal appearance.
* Previous experience in a similar role.
* Methodical organized approach to work.
* Team player.
* Can work unsupervised.
* Understanding of customer service.
* Flexible approach to work.