CPL Healthcareare delighted to announce our partnership with our client who works with young people to provide high-quality care, protecting and supporting them to build resilience and recover from early life trauma. Through this, they can help their young people reach their full potential and give them a chance at a brighter future.
We are currently accepting applications fromSocial Care Workersto be part of a new project involving working with displaced young people who are separated from their families and places of origin.
This service is based inBagnelstown, Carlow.
To be considered for the role, interested applicants must meet the following criteria:
·A minimum level 7 qualification in Social Care or relevant equivalent
·Full, clean, manual driver's license (valid in Ireland)
·Knowledge of the Irish National Standards in Children’s Residential Center's
·Eligible to work in Ireland.
IfyouareamotivatedSocialCareProfessional,lookingtocontributetothemissionofprovidinganatmospherethatprotects,supports,andprovidesasafeplacefortheseyoungpeople,pleasecontactAoife HallorapplydirectlyviaemailonAoife.Hall@cplhealthcare.com