Job Description:
We are seeking a skilled software developer with hands-on experience in Java or other JVM-based languages. The ideal candidate will have a strong foundation in Scala development, with experience ranging from up to 1 year to more than 5 years in production environments and non-production or hobby projects.
Key technologies include Akka (Actors, Streams, Persistence, Clustering, Projection, HTTP), ZIO, Play, Spark, Circe, Cats, Cats Effect, Slick, Doobie, HTTP4S, Shapeless, and Monix. Proficiency in databases such as RDBMS, MongoDB, Redis, Cassandra, and Elastic Search is also required. Messaging systems like Kafka and RabbitMQ are essential, along with expertise in microservices, Domain-Driven Design (DDD), Event Sourcing, Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS), cloud platforms (AWS, GCP), and containerization (Docker, Kubernetes).