Head of Risk and Compliance Location: Dublin Reporting to: Director of Corporate Services Salary: €70777-€85628 Peter McVerry Trust is a national housing and homeless charity committed to reducing homelessness & the harm caused by substance misuse & social disadvantage.
The charity provides low-threshold entry services, primarily to younger people and vulnerable adults with complex needs, and offers pathways out of homelessness based onthe principles of the Housing First model.
The Purpose for the Role: The Head of Risk and Compliancewill lead on the development and continuous improvement of PMVTs risk and compliance management in order to strengthen and expand risk and governance capabilities within PMVT, and support a strong and effective risk management culture within their team and across the organisation.
In doing so, they will work directly with the Director of Corporate Services, and support the senior management team, Risk Committee and the Finance Audit & Governance committee in order to achieve overall alignment of governance, risk, and compliance functions, initiatives and decisions in PMVT.
PMVT is committed to ensuring the highest standards of governance, financial, HR, & operational management.
The post holder has a key role to play in ensuring that this commitment is met through responding to agreed outcomes arising through audit, reviews and investigations.
This work will focus on ensuring that control procedures identified as risks are being properly implemented, managed and used across the organisation on a daily basis, in emergency situations and by our operational and service delivery partners.
The postholder will support PMVT to implement continuous improvement, providing an assurance that any risks which threaten the achievement of our strategy, objectives and activities are managed efficiently and effectively.
Responsibilities: Specialist Knowledge, Expertise & Self Development: A working knowledge of governance within the charities sector, and associated regulations and regulatory bodies Experience of the regulatory and compliance requirements relevant to PMVT (Charity Regulator Authority, AHBRA, Companies Registration Office, TUSLA, DRHE, HSE, GDPR, Health and Safety, Safeguarding etc.)
Experience of information management systems and quality assurance tools Technical knowledge of the Data Protection Act and confidentiality guidelines.
Knowledge of both theoretical and practical aspects of project management.
Risk Management ResponsibleforensuringPMVThasthenecessarypoliciesandproceduresinplacetoenableriskstobe identified, evaluated and managed efficiently and effectively.
ResponsibleforregularlyreviewingandupdatingPMVTsriskmanagementsysteminlinewithbest practice.
ResponsibleforimplementationofthePMVTriskmanagementpolicyandprocedures,including: co-ordinating the centralised Active Risk Register, monitoring gaps, updating leadership teams and ensuring regular reviews and preparing reports for the Finance, Audit & Governance committee & the Board on organisational risk.
Develop and implement proactive strategies to mitigate identified risks, improving safety outcomes forboth participants and staff.
Work closely with management to ensure corrective actions for any identified risks are swiftly enacted.
Governance Responsible for designing/reviewing/adapting structures, policies and processesto ensure PMVT is fully compliant with all applicable legal, regulatory, governance and best practice guidance.
This includes responsibility for adherence to the Charities Governance Codepublished by the Charities Regulator, the AHRBA Standards Framework & our other regulatory stakeholders.
Keep the CEO and senior leadership appraised of new developments in the applicable legal and regulatory environment.
Policy Development: Ensure all required organisational policies and procedures are in place and easily accessible and thatreviews of these documents are carried out as necessary.
EmbeddingbestpracticeintoPMVTinrelationtoComplianceandcontributingtothelearningandfurther development of this activity.
Health & Safety: EnsurethePMVTSafetyStatementisregularlyreviewedandupdatedinlinewithbestpracticeand legal/regulatory developments.
Actasliaisonwithinsurersinrelationtohealthandsafetyissues Issuerecommendationsoncontrolmeasurestoreduceadverseeffectsonthehealth,safetyand wellbeing of staff, service users and members of the public.
Actively participate in committees & working groups, including health & safety & risk committees Data Protection Operate as the organisation's Data Protection Officer (DPO)andleadonGDPRcomplianceissues.
Responsible for designing and ensuring the implementation of reporting structures, policies and processestoensurethatPMVTdataprocessingactivitiescomplywithallapplicabledataprotectionlaws and regulations.
Keeping the Board, CEO and Senior Team appraised of key developments in the data protection environment and ensuring ongoing training for all staff on GDPR compliance.
Reporting & Analysis: Identifyanddevelopdataandreportingsystemswhichmeettheorganisationalneed inreal-time, informative, accurate data to inform policy development using the available platforms.
Conductdataanalysistoidentifytrends,risks,andopportunitiesforimprovementinpolicydevelopment Preparepresentationsandbriefingsforinternalandexternalstakeholders,committees,andworking groups.
Providemonthlyreportingonkeyareasofworksensuringreportsareaccurateandconcise Prepare documentation for the Board and contribute to executive reports.
Leadership & Strategic Direction Leadstheteam,settinghighstandards,tacklinganyperformanceproblems&facilitatinghigh performance Facilitatesanopenexchangeofideasandfostersanatmosphereofopencommunication ContributestotheshapingofDepartmental&Organisationalstrategyandpolicy Developscapabilityandcapacityacrosstheteamthrougheffectivedelegation Developsacultureoflearning&development,offeringcoachingandconstructive/supportivefeedback Leadsonpreparingfor,andimplementing,significantchangeandreform Anticipatesandrespondsquicklytodevelopmentsinthesector/broaderenvironment Actively collaborates with other PMVT Departments, Organisations and Stakeholders General WorkcollaborativelywithcolleaguesintheCorporateServicesDepartmenttoensure theDepartment Action Plan & targets are met, productivity maintained & team standards upheld.
Providesupportandcoverageforteammembersduringperiodsofleave,training,orotherabsencesto ensure continuity of operations.
RepresentPMVT atevents,conferences, andinvariouspartnershipstoenhancevisibilityandfoster collaborations.
Commitment to fostering a cooperative & supportive team environment.
Key skills and Knowledge Essential: An approved qualification in a relevant discipline at NFQ lever 8 or Higher or a recognised qualificationinriskmanagement/audit/compliance Atleast5 years ofexperience ofworkinginaservicedeliveryenvironmentwhere theoversight ofgovernanceandthemanagementofriskwasarequiredcorecompetencyisessential- preferably in the non-profit or social sector.
Full driving licence and use of car / Ability to meet the mobility requirements of the post Strongunderstandingofriskmanagementpracticesandprocessesandtheirapplication Stronggovernanceandregulatoryawarenessaswellasstrong,practicalknowledgeofdata privacyregulation.
Advancedknowledgeofauditprinciplesandtheory,applicationofcomplianceframeworks KnowledgeandunderstandingoftheimportanceofcorelegislationinrelationtoGDPR Experience of stakeholder management and proven ability to influence.
Demonstrate excellent written communication skills including strong report writing and presentationskills(withtheabilitytodraftclearandconcisereports,proposals,andother documents) Demonstrateeffectiveverbalcommunication&interpersonalskills,deliveringcomplex informationclearly,conciselyandconfidentlytoavarietyofaudiences.
Adeptatengagingand influencing staff across various levels of the organisation.
Stronganalytical,problem-solvingskills&decision-makingskills,withthecapabilitytodesign andimplementpracticalsolutions.
Demonstratetheabilitytobuildandmaintainrelationshipswithcolleaguesandother stakeholderstoachieveresultsthroughcollaborativeworking.
Demonstratetheabilitytoproactivelyidentifyareasforimprovementandtodeveloppractical solutionsfortheirimplementation.
Demonstratetheabilitytoembracechangeandadaptlocalworkpracticesaccordinglyby finding practical ways to make policies work, ensuring the team knows how to action changes.
Demonstrateevidenceofexcellentorganisationalskills&ofsettinghighstandardsof performanceforselfandothers,ensuringaccurateattentiontodetailandconsistentadherence to procedures and current standards within area of responsibility.
Experienceofstreamliningprocesses&implementingeffectivechange Handleconflictsituationsinaconfidentandpositivemannerandistenaciousinachieving objectives Aproactiveapproach,withtheabilitytomanagemultipletasksandpriorities.
Willingnesstoundertakefurtherprofessionaldevelopment Commitment to the ethos and values of Peter McVerry Trust Desirable: Development of policy, procedure and work processes Developing & delivering training Demonstratetheabilitytouseresourceseffectively,challengingprocessestoimprove efficiencies where appropriate.
Other Information: Confidentiality: It is a condition of service that all information obtained during the course of employment, especially with regard to participants affairs is treated with the strictest confidence.
EqualOpportunities: To implement Equal Opportunities into your daily practice at all times HealthandSafety: To be responsible for your own health and safety and that of your Colleagues in accordance with relevant PMVT policies and procedures.
How to apply: To apply please download the application form by clicking Apply below.
Completed application forms should be sentalong with your CV and Cover Letter.
All details on our website by clicking Apply below Peter McVerry Trust is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Registration Number 412953 | Charity Number CHY7256