Little Moon Animation is a cutting-edge CG animation studio dedicated to creating compelling projects full of character and imaginative story. Located in Dublin, Ireland, as one of the first studios in Europe to produce a broadcast CG animated series using Unreal, we’re at the forefront of using real-time pipelines and technology to produce premium quality animation for audiences worldwide.
Little Moon Animation is looking for a full-time Unreal CG Supervisor to join us in creating an exciting new animated series using Unreal Engine (UE5). The ideal candidate will have a thorough understanding of CG Pipelines along with a strong creative eye.
Job Description: Unreal CG Supervisor
Location: Dublin, Ireland
Start Date: October 2023
Type of Position: Fixed Term Contract, 12 months Full-Time (with an option to extend)
Hours: 9am-6pm, Monday – Friday
Key Responsibilities:
1. Work with the Supervisors to design & build experiences in Unreal
2. Import assets from DCCs for scene setup and layout
3. Design Materials in Unreal
4. Be well versed in the various lighting techniques in Unreal
5. Create interaction and functionality using Unreal Blueprint system
Key Requirements:
1. Experience with Maya
2. Experience working with Unreal Engine: Sequencer, Materials, and Blueprints
3. Comfortable in a range of content creation software including Adobe Substance Painter, Zbrush, etc.
4. Strong problem-solving skills
5. Strong interpersonal and communication skills
6. Good team player with great attitude, dependable and flexible
7. Takes direction well and exercises close attention to detail
Good to have:
1. Scripting skills with Python
2. Experience with Houdini
3. Maya modeling and rigging experience
Salary: Negotiable based on industry experience
If this sounds like you, please send your latest animation reel along with a cover letter to
Deadline to Apply: October 31st, 2023
Little Moon Animation is an Equal Opportunity Employer. We know storytelling is its most powerful when we include, celebrate and embrace difference. We strive to be a diverse workforce that is representative of our audiences, and where all can thrive and belong.
We will ensure that individuals with disabilities are provided a reasonable accommodation to participate in the job application or interview process. Please contact us if you require any assistance.