Organisation/Company: University College Cork
Research Field: Geosciences » Geology
Researcher Profile: First Stage Researcher (R1)
Positions: PhD Positions
Country: Ireland
Application Deadline: 7 Mar 2025 - 23:59 (Europe/Madrid)
Type of Contract: Temporary
Job Status: Full-time
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme? Horizon Europe - MSCA Marie Curie Grant Agreement Number 101168931
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure? No
Understanding the role of fault plumbing and associated fluid flow in the development of vein hosted mineralising systems in sedimentary basins using an example from the Upper Devonian Munster Basin, Southern Ireland.
Overview & Research Questions
Recent studies are providing new insights into the genetic and chronological development of the vein hosted copper sulfide mineralization in the Late Paleozoic Munster Basins of SW Ireland. Structural investigations define two distinct ore forming episodes: the initial vein precipitation is directly related to syn-basinal, extensional E-W to ENE-WSW striking normal faults. Smaller sediment hosted Cu sulfide occurrences are related to the extensional fault systems. The second mineralization phase occurred during the early stage of the late Carboniferous Variscan compression by reactivation of early extensional, basinal fault systems. Pre-Variscan, mineralizing fluid inclusion assemblages show multiple fluid pulses with homogenization temperatures Th from 90 to 335°C. Salinities vary between 3.8 and 22.4 wt% NaClequiv. Syn-Variscan quartz veins show also multiple pulses with Th ranges from 101 to 270°C and with salinities between 4.8 and 16.7 wt% NaClequiv.
Three key questions still need to be addressed:
1. The mineralising fluids for both the early basin and Variscan inversion mineralisation events are highly saline (>22.4 wt% NaClequiv in some cases). The presence of salts (Na, K, Ca chlorides) are central to the effectiveness of these brines scavenging and carrying metals to higher level sites of precipitation in veins. Previous work has suggested that these salts were derived from marine evaporites yet there is no evidence of significant evaporite deposits in the Upper Devonian/Lower Carboniferous succession of southern Ireland.
2. The ultimate source of the copper in these Irish vein hosted deposits is still not known. Was the copper leached from the significant (< 7km) basin fill of the Upper Devonian Munster Basin or was there a significant basement source for the copper?
3. Why are these copper deposits so spatially localised?
The following criteria apply to all the DC positions within ForMovFluid:
1. Early-Stage Researchers Rule: All researchers recruited in a doctoral network must be Early-Stage Researchers (ESRs, i.e., be in the first four years (full-time equivalent research experience) of their research careers and have not been awarded a doctoral degree).
2. Nationality Rule: Researchers can be of any nationality.
3. Mobility Rule: At the time of recruitment by the host organisation, researchers must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of their host organisation for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the reference date. Compulsory national service and/or short stays such as holidays are not considered.
4. English Language: ESRs must demonstrate that their ability to understand and express themselves in both written and spoken English is sufficiently high for them to derive the full benefit from the network training.
5. Host Specific Criteria: Every ESR must qualify for admittance as a PhD student at the university the position is assigned to. Consequently, there may be additional criteria for every position that are laid out in the detailed description of every ESR position.
6. Number of Applications: Candidates can apply for up to 5 projects.
Specific Requirements:
* A good understanding and strong interest in structural geology and geofluids.
* A strong understanding of data analysis and statistics.
* Capability of working independently or within a project team to achieve results.
* Good communication, organisation, and interpersonal skills.
Languages: ENGLISH Level Good
Additional Information
Doctoral Candidates (DCs) will be provided with the following living allowance, subject to local taxation and government contribution requirements:
Ireland Living Allowance: €55,956 p.a. gross*
*subject to local taxation and government contribution requirements
Should you have a family at the time of your recruitment, you are entitled to an additional "family allowance" of EUR 500 per month. For the purposes of the MSCA, family is defined as "persons linked to the researcher by marriage (or a relationship with equivalent status to a marriage recognised by the legislation of the country where this relationship was formalised) or dependent children who are actually being maintained by the researcher". Note that your family status is determined at the time of your recruitment and remains fixed during the lifetime of the project.
Selection process:
To apply to this position, please do it through ForMovFluid’s website: You can apply through the dedicated form you will see in each position. You can apply for up to 5 projects (select them in the same form, ordered by your priority of choice), and please attach the following documents in the form:
* A two-page CV
* A one-page motivation letter for each of the DCs positions you want to apply.
* The e-mail for a reference contact (not a reference letter, just the contact). We might contact your reference person during the decision process.