Confined Competition - Internal Applicants Only Post Title: Clinical Nurse Manager 2 Alcohol Liaison Nurse (ALN)Post Status: PermanentDepartment Medical Directorate, Beaumont HospitalLocation: Beaumont Hospital, Dublin 9 Reports to: CNM 3 / Directorate Nurse Manager Medical 2Salary: Appointment will be made on CNM 2 Pay scale (€59,661 - €75,389) at a point in line with Government pay policy. Hours of work: 37.5 hours (1 WTE)Closing Date: Friday 7th March 2025 @ 12 noon Position Summary: To develop and maintain an autonomous, Alcohol Liaison nurse (ALN) for patients presenting to Beaumont Hospital who have alcohol misuse problems. The ALN Will act as a lead specialist in alcohol misuse, assessing patients on the ward or in the emergency department, and provide specialist advice and guidance relating to their management, care and onward pathways within the hospital and community. The ALN will provide specialist education and training to all Beaumont staff pertaining to the screening, assessment and management of alcohol misuse. The ALN will undertake both clinical audit and research in relevant substance misuse related issues as appropriate. To work closely with the Consultant in Psychiatry.
Principal Duties and Responsibilities: • Lead in the development and maintenance of the ALN service for patients attending Beaumont Hospital with Alcohol (substance) misuse problems.• Responsible for the development and implementation of appropriate screening, management and a referral/care pathway process linking in to specialist community drug and alcohol services and other primary care services, as appropriate and in conjunction with other community or hospital based alcohol treatment providers• Responsible for the assessment, management and referral of patients with alcohol misuse.• To work closely with clinical teams to provide early intervention for alcohol abusers. To ultimately reduce re-attendance and admission, relapse and bed occupancy for this patient group.• Responsible for working within current clinical guidelines and supporting the existing Alcohol Withdrawal Policies, CIWA scoring tool including Behaviours that challenge policy. • To generate and maintain excellent communication links between inpatient, outpatient, psychiatric, community and primary care services.• Responsible for providing specialist advice, guidance and education to all members of the multidisciplinary team• Responsible for the identification of education and training needs of various staff groups and disciplines within the hospital. • Responsible for providing presentations at appropriate clinical forums such as grand rounds, clinical update meetings and local and national addictions meetings where appropriate • Responsible for working with relevant senior clinicians and managers within the hospital to develop policy relevant to the area of alcohol misuse within the acute medical setting as part of wider policy and strategy for substance misuse issues. Clinical• Be responsible for providing specialist treatment advice to all relevant members of the multidisciplinary team• Accountable for formulating in-patient treatment plans, risk assessment, management and appropriate aftercare and/or onward referral • Required to offer individual opportunistic brief interventions to referred patients regarding their use of alcohol whilst they are in hospital• Be responsible for ensuring that the principles of clinical governance guides all aspects of the post holders work • Be responsible for ensuring that the clients care plan meets the diverse needs of all groups of service users • Responsible for providing adequate support and family interventions where needed and agreed in the care plan. • Take responsibility for offering advice and support to other professionals within the relevant hospital departments and disseminate information as required • Accountable for ensuring accurate records are kept of all patient contact and interventions made • Responsible for working with other hospital liaison staff (i.e. liaison psychiatry) and team members to make substantial contribution to the development of policies and practice • To assist and take a lead in the review, development and audit of research based policies and procedures relating to alcohol misuse • Be responsible for contributing to clinical audit both post-specific and as part of the wider clinical governance agenda• Lead and be responsible for the collation of data for clinical audit and service evaluation purposes • Responsible for developing and maintaining a local database system to evaluate the service • Take a lead in the evaluation of the service as required and appropriate • Be responsible for providing clinical supervision to other junior staff as and where appropriate Hepatology• Act as a two-way liaison between hospital and community based services. • Further develop and implement changes in alcohol detoxification and the pharmacological treatment of alcohol addiction.Liaison/Training• Be responsible for representing and promoting the ALN service at in-patient and other related clinical sites • To attend the appropriate network meetings such as case conferences, core group meetings and liaison forums, within hospital sites and intra and inter-agency as required and appropriate • Responsible for providing specialist training and education in all areas of alcohol misuse to medical, nursing and other related staff in a number of appropriate venues • Lead and develop a strategic plan for training in relation to alcohol misuse related problems to all allied health care professionals. • Lead a multi-disciplinary coordinated approach to raising alcohol misuse issues onto the MDT agenda. • Provide, direct and coordinate educational sessions in both clinical areas and appropriate training environments to all members of the Multi-Disciplinary Team. Delivering training which is targeted, demand led and reflects the needs of patients, staff and the organisation• Lead on the development of training outlines, session plans, learning objectives, and visual aids ensuring a consistent approach to training is implemented and delivered across the Hospital to all relevant members of Multi-Disciplinary Team• Be responsible for providing support and specialist education for student nurses and medical students while on placement in clinical areas developing competency in clinical practice and recording in documentation as required. • Be responsible for the ongoing development and maintenance of alcohol resource and information folders within the clinical areas. This enables staff to access information outside the services working hours which, ensures an equitable service • Maintain and develop assessment packages and negotiate with clinical leads the implementation of an alcohol use assessment tool into the collaborative assessment documents. • Take lead responsibility for maintaining the EPR database for all patients seen by the service. In order to provide annual reports on the services activity, audit service provision and highlight areas for service development. Professional Practice• Ensure clinical practice is evidence based or peer reviewed “best practice”. • Develop and maintain clinical skills and knowledge necessary to provide holistic, evidence based nursing care. • Be competent in the use of all relevant hospital IT systems including the use of electronic patient records, (EPR), email and associated professional media ensuring that data is entered in an accurate and timely fashion, in accordance with Hospital policy and procedure.• Engage in and promote a paper light approach to information management. • Maintain regular use of email and other modes of communication in order to keep abreast of information disseminated across the Hospital• Adhere to the Code of Practice at all times maintaining patient confidentiality at all times. • Adhere to the Data Protection Act.• Demonstrate an awareness and understanding of Accountability, Responsibility and Duty of Care and work towards the provision of support and education for less experienced and non-registered staff on the implications for practice. Leadership and Management• Undertake the responsibilities associated with your post to manage allocated resources effectively and efficiently. • Ensure that prescribed treatments and plans are in the patient’s best interests and are carried out as appropriate, and that multidisciplinary team members are informed of changes in the patient’s condition.• Report near misses and untoward incidents, complaints, clinical emergencies, injury or medicine administration errors. Be proactive in seeking a response to the issues raised in order to disseminate the actions identified and provide own account of events if asked to support an investigation. Reports these verbally and in writing to the CNM 3/Divisional Nurse Manager• Demonstrate an awareness of and compliance with Health and Safety Regulations that apply to staff and patients. To escalate concerns to senior staff in an appropriate and timely manner.• Discuss personal and professional development needs during an annual appraisal, developing, agreeing and documenting action points in the electronic recording and personal development plan. Standards and Quality of Care Takes all steps possible to safeguard the welfare and safety of patients by:• Establishing management and clinical standards within realistic targets. • Ensuring that staff understand and abide by required standards and limits. • Monitoring and evaluating the outcomes of nursing care for individual patients. • Convening periodic meetings with the GI/ Liaison Psychiatric/and Community Addiction services to discuss outcomes of the ALN service and taking suggestions on how the service might be improved.Audit• To record all activity pertaining to clinical contact, audit and training as per the Alcohol Liaison Service requirements, and to facilitate the meeting of key targets around reduction of length of stay, inappropriate admissions, repeat attenders, onward successful referral into treatment and successful completion of detoxification. Responsible for driving and undertaking clinical audit relevant to the area of expertise • Responsible for maintaining good links with the Hepatology research team. Risk Management• The management of risk is the responsibility of everyone and will be achieved within a progressive, honest and open environment.• Staff will be provided with the necessary education, training and support to enable them to meet this responsibility.• Staff should be familiar with the: Major Incident Policy & Fire PolicyInfection Control• Infection Control is everyone's responsibility. All staff, both clinical and non-clinical, are required to adhere to Beaumont Infection Prevention and Control Policies and make every effort to maintain high standards of infection control at all times. Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults• Beaumont Hospital is committed to safeguarding children and vulnerable adults throughout the organisation. As a staff member there is a duty to assist in protecting patients and their families from any form of harm when they are vulnerable.• Complete Children First training ConfidentialityThe post holder must maintain the confidentiality of information about patients, staff and other health service business in accordance with the Data Protection. The job description indicates the main function and responsibilities of the post and is subject to review and amendment. Other specific work not covered in this job description may also be assigned by the Directorate Nurse Manager or Consultant Gastroenterologist from time to time.
Selection Criteria:Selection criteria outline the qualifications, skills, knowledge and/or experience that the successful candidate would need to demonstrate for successful discharge of the responsibilities of the post.Applications will be assessed on the basis of how well candidates satisfy these criteria. Mandatory:1. Statutory Registration, Professional Qualifications, Experience, etc(a) Eligible applicants will be those who on the closing date for the competition:(i) Are registered in the relevant division of the Register of Nurses & Midwivesmaintained by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI) (BordAltranais agus Cnáimhseachais na hÉireann) or entitled to be so registered.(ii) Have at least 5 years post registration experience (or an aggregrate of 5 yearsfulltime post registration experience) of which 2 years must be in the specialityor related area.(iii) Have the clinical, managerial and administrative capacity to properly dischargethe functions of the role.(iv) Candidates must demonstrate evidence of continuous professional development.(b) Candidates must possess the requisite knowledge and ability including a high standard ofsuitability and clinical, managerial and administrative capacity to properly discharge thefunctions of the role.2. Annual registration(i) On appointment, practitioners must maintain live annual registration on the relevantdivision of the Register of Nurses and Midwives maintained by the Nursing andMidwifery Board of Ireland (Bord Altranais agus Cnáimhseachais na hÉireann).(ii) Confirm annual registration with NMBI to the HSE by way of the annual PatientSafety Assurance Certificate (PSAC).3. HealthCandidates for and any person holding the office must be fully competent and capable ofundertaking the duties attached to the office and be in a state of health such as would indicate areasonable prospect of ability to render regular and efficient service.4. CharacterCandidates for and any person holding the office must be of good character. Desirable To have experience of therapeutic intervention Further Information for Candidates:Supplementary information:The Hospital www.beaumont.ieManagement Unit:www.beaumont.ie/hrOther (Please specify): Informal Enquiries ONLY to:Name:Alan Healy-Cunningham Title:Directorate Nurse Manager – Medical 2 Email address:alanhealycunningham@beaumont.ieTelephone:01 852 8196