Deadline may be subject to changes. Please check the actual deadline via the programme’s individual link.
Research Field
Formal sciences, Humanities, Natural sciences, Professions and applied sciences, Social sciences
Career Stage
Recognised Researcher (R2) (PhD holders or equivalent who are not yet fully independent)
The aim of the Irish Research Council Enterprise Partnership Scheme Postdoctoral Fellowship is to encourage links with an Enterprise Partner to award co-funded two-year Postdoctoral Fellowships to highly promising researchers in Ireland. It provides funding for early career researchers working in partnership with academia and industry. By working closely with an Enterprise Partner, researchers benefit from an enhanced research experience as well as having the opportunity to learn key transferable skills relevant to career/professional development. Fellows will hold an Irish Research Council Enterprise Partnership Scheme Postdoctoral Fellowship.
What is an Enterprise Partner? An eligible Enterprise Partner on this Programme is a business, a company, a registered charity, a social, cultural or not-for-profit civic organisation, a semi-state commercial organisation or eligible public body. Eligible Public Body shall mean: a public service body with specific scientific or cultural infrastructure that is integral to the conduct and completion of the proposed research. The Enterprise Partner can be based anywhere in the world and the project is agreed between the researcher, Irish Higher Education Institution (HEI) and Enterprise Partner.
The responsibility for the funding offers published on this website, including the funding description, lies entirely with the publishing institutions. The application is handled uniquely by the employer, who is also fully responsible for the recruitment and selection processes.