Preservative efficacy testing involves subjecting pharmaceutical products to rigorous testing procedures to evaluate the effectiveness of their preservative systems.
This testing assesses the ability of preservatives to inhibit or reduce the growth of microorganisms that may be introduced into the product during manufacturing or use.
InoculationSamples of the pharmaceuticals are inoculated with standardized cultures of relevant microorganisms.
IncubationThese samples are then incubated under conditions that promote microbial growth.
EvaluationAt specified intervals, samples are evaluated to enumerate the viable microbial population.
The effectiveness of the preservative system is determined by comparing the microbial growth in test samples with growth in control samples that lack preservatives.
Significant inhibition or reduction in microbial growth in the test samples indicates the efficacy of the preservative system.
Expert AnalysisExperienced professionals conducting rigorous and reliable testing.
Advanced FacilitiesCutting-edge laboratory facilities for precise and comprehensive testing.
Regulatory ComplianceEnsure your products comply with industry standards and regulations.
At Tentamus Pharma UK, we offer comprehensive preservative efficacy testing services to pharmaceutical companies.
Our expert team is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities to provide accurate and reliable testing results.