Confined Competition - Internal Applicants Only Post Title: CNM 3 Critical CarePost Status: Specified PurposeDepartment Critical Care & Anaesthetic DirectorateLocation: Beaumont Hospital, Dublin 9Reports to: Directorate Nurse ManagerSalary: Appointment will be made on CNM 3 salary scale (€68,652 - €77,530) at a point in line with government policy.Hours of work: 37.5 Hours Per WeekClosing Date: Friday 7th March 2025 @ 12 noon Position Summary: The CNM3 is a key member of the Directorate Management Team supporting the Directorate Nurse Manager in providing clinical and operational leadership to support unit managers and nursing teams in providing the highest possible quality of care. The post-holder will: 1. Work as a CNM III in the directorate leading nursing in areas of professional practice, standards and quality of care, staffing, manpower and personnel management 2. Work with the Directorate Management Team and the Directorate Nurse Manager on priority initiatives within the directorate.
A. Operational Management:i. To promote quality of service delivery, ensuring effective patient care, research, training and development within the Directorate. ii. To promote the development and maintenance of high standards of care and that the care offered is family centred, sensitive and responsive to service users. iii. The CNM III will actively participate in service development initiatives within the directorate and work with the directorate management team to plan at a strategic and local level. Core elements of this process will involve: • Planning the delivery of services by accurately estimating the needs of the Directorate and prioritising resources appropriately. • Assist in the development of short, mid and long term strategic plans for Critical Care. • Maintain smooth running of Critical Care to incorporate service planning for routine and emergency operational needs. • Promote the effective and efficient delivery of services to patients and hospital staff. • Continuously monitor and improve upon the services delivered. • Monitor service objectives, to ensure that the quality of the service is congruent with the resources available.iv. To ensure effective working practices with other Directorates and the hospital departments and healthcare agencies to maximise the delivery of a seamless service. B. General Management: I. Assists the Directorate Nurse Manager in providing team leadership and management in the maintenance and development of a high quality nursing service in the Critical Care Directorate, liaising appropriately with Clinical Nurse Managers, Staff Nurses, multi-disciplinary team and other hospital staff. II. Acts to ensure that problems are identified and resolved. III. Alerts the Directorate Nurse Manager and Consultant colleagues of impending issues within the Department. C. Bed Management and Discharge Planning: Supporting the Directorate Nurse Manager in ensuring effective co-ordination of bed management within the Directorate, in line with hospital policy. This involves:1. Regular timely reporting of bed and resource utilization to the Directorate Nurse Manager, Directorate Management Team and Hospital Management as appropriate 2. Monitoring admission and discharge trends, optimising use and cost effective management of resources and highlighting trends and wider implications of acute and non-acute services. D. Service Planning: I. To contribute to the co-ordination and planning of nursing services to meet service demands and to support initiatives to meet changes in service provision. II. To assist with the development of business cases for the improvement, modernisation and development of nursing/clinical services. III. To contribute to projects/initiative which improve the quality of services provided to patients and/or improve the patient flow through the hospital.E. HR Management I. Support the Clinical Nurse Manager in managing all nursing and healthcare staff within the Directorate, complying with hospital HR policies and procedures. II. Ensure that nursing and healthcare assistant staff receive performance appraisals annually and in conjunction with the Clinical Nurse Managers put a plan in place for staff to complete their mandatory training. Facilitate nursing staff and healthcare assistants to continue their education and personal development to support improved organisational performance. III. In conjunction with the Directorate Nurse Manager and Clinical Nurse Managers regularly review staff complements and skill-mix across the Directorate to ensure that staffing is appropriate for current and projected clinical and operational demands. IV. Supports Clinical Nurse Managers to ensure maintenance of a high level of staff morale, promoting good communications, team spirit and job satisfaction among nursing, multidisciplinary and support staff within the Critical Care Directorate. V. To work with the Clinical Nurse Managers in managing sickness and absence in accordance with hospital policy. VI. Advise the Directorate Nurse Manager when staffing levels fall below or in excess of that considered to be adequate to meet variations of workload. VII. Decides when to utilise agency or locum staff within the parameters of hospital policy in co-operation with the Nursing Bank. Monitor spend in relation to the nursing budget. VIII. Partake in the interviewing process for the recruitment of nursing and healthcare staff for the Directorate and ensure effective local induction takes place. Ensure all new staff attend the Corporate Induction Programme. Participate in recruitment as appropriate. F. Quality Assurance and Risk Management:I. Encourage and support a culture of continuous improvement and mutual cooperation in the achievement of the highest possible standards of clinical care and maximum efficiency. II. Work with the Directorate Management Team, stakeholders and colleagues to develop clinical governance systems within the Directorate which ensure that all relevant HIQA and international standards are met. III. With the Directorate Management Team ensure that effective leadership and effective systems are in place for the routine evaluation of infection control data, compliance with hygiene audits and the hospital’s infection control policies and procedures. IV. To identify health and safety issues for staff and patients. V. To participate in local risk management initiatives to monitor clinical and non-clinical issues with the Directorate, i.e. Health & Safety, Infection Control, Occupational health, Fire Safety, environmental and organisational risks. VI. Support Clinical Nurse Managers in managing adverse incidents involving nursing care within the Directorate are investigated promptly, respecting confidentiality taking preventative action where necessary to ensure that IQS procedures are adhered to and fully implemented. VII. Ensure regular audit of nursing practices and procedures in conjunction with Nurse Practice Development. G. Professional Practice I. Ensures that the requirements of An Bord Altranais for the practice of professional nursing are met and upheld. II. Establishes and maintains a high standard of nursing practice within the Directorate. III. Ensures that nursing care is delivered within the parameters of the Department of Nursing and Hospital Policies and Procedures. IV. Directs nursing and non-nursing staff in the event of any emergency situation within the Hospital and in any disaster that involves the Hospital. H. Education/Staff Development I. Ensures access for all newly appointed nurses to the hospital induction programme. II. Assesses and identifies training needs of CNMs, setting objectives for such learning and making recommendations to the Directorate Nurse Manager on how these needs can be facilitated. III. Ensures compliance with mandatory training. I. Self-Development I. Reads current literature and recent nursing research, attends seminars and is aware of any new developments in nursing practice and in current and future trends in the Directorate. II. Attends and participates in staff development programmes. III. Discuss present performance and future needs with the Directorate Nurse Manager. J. Cost Control and Budgeting I. Advise Directorate Nurse Manager on alternative supplies and changes in practice that impacts on costs. II. Advises the Directorate Nurse Manager regarding the developments and changes that impact on the work of nurses in the Department in order that adequate The job description indicates the main functions and responsibilities of the post and is subject to review and amendment.
Selection CriteriaSelection criteria outline the qualifications, skills, knowledge and/or experience that the successful candidate would need to demonstrate for successful discharge of the responsibilities of the post.Applications will be assessed on the basis of how well candidates satisfy these criteria. Mandatory1. Statutory Registration, Professional Qualifications, Experience, etc(a) Eligible applicants will be those who on the closing date for the competition:(i) Are registered in the relevant division of the Register of Nurses & Midwivesmaintained by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI)(BordAltranais agus Cnáimhseachais na hÉireann) or entitled to be so registered.(ii) Have at least 5 years post registration full time (or an aggregate of 5 years postregistration full time) experience of which 2 years (or an aggregate of 2 years postregistration full time experience) must be in the speciality or related area.(iii) Have the clinical, managerial and administrative capacity to properly dischargethe functions of the role.(iv) Candidates must demonstrate evidence of continuous professional development.(b) Candidates must possess the requisite knowledge and ability including a high standard ofsuitability and clinical, managerial and administrative capacity to properly discharge thefunctions of the role.2. Annual registration(i) On appointment, practitioners must maintain live annual registration on the relevantdivision of the Register of Nurses and Midwives maintained by the Nursing andMidwifery Board of Ireland (Bord Altranais agus Cnáimhseachais na hÉireann).(ii) Confirm annual registration with NMBI to the HSE by way of the annual PatientSafety Assurance Certificate (PSAC). 3. HealthCandidates for and any person holding the office must be fully competent and capable ofundertaking the duties attached to the office and be in a state of health such as would indicate areasonable prospect of ability to render regular and efficient service.4. CharacterCandidates for and any person holding the office must be of good character. Desirable • Evidence of professional continuous development at post graduate qualification in the relevant specialist area - level 8. • A management course Further Information for Candidates:Supplementary information: The Hospitalwww.beaumont.ieManagement Unit:www.beaumont.ie/hrOther (Please specify): Informal Enquiries ONLY to: Name:Niamh ShieldsTitle:Directorate Nurse Manager CC&AEmail address:niamhshields@beaumont.ieTelephone:01 8528338