Title: Digital Skills Coach (Grade VI) (2 Posts) (Permanent Wholetime) (Reference: 561/2024) Brief summary of post:Digital Education is the innovative use of digital tools and technologies during the teaching, learning, assessment and feedback process, in any modality, to enhance and transform the student experience. Implicit in this is the need to build organisational digital capability and equip those who teach, and those who learn, with the digital capabilities (skills, literacies, competencies and attributes) required to use digital tools and technologies effectively in their practice. The main purpose of the Digital Skills Coach role is to further digital education at TU Dublin by working to increase both organisational digital capacity and the digital capabilities of our staff and students. Hours of Work:35 Location: The post will be based initially in TU Dublin Aungier St. but may be reassigned at the discretion of TU Dublin. The university may consider flexible working arrangements. Salary: €55,643 Closing Date:5pm (Irish Time) 14th February 2025 Application details/procedure:For further information, or to make an online application for the above post, please visit TU Dublin Vacancies TU Dublin is an equal opportunities employer. Skills: Digital Skills Teaching Coaching And Mentoring Benefits: Work From Home