The purpose of this post is to deliver Continence Care in line with the five core concepts of the role set out in the Framework for the Establishment of Clinical Nurse Specialist Posts, 4th edition, National Council for the Professional Development of Nursing and Midwifery (NCNM) 2008.
The post holder will ensure the delivery of high quality, clinically effective care, utilising research, and collaborating with colleagues in everyday practice and work in partnership with the MDT's to enhance professional standards of care across the various specialities.
They will manage a delegated caseload of both adults and children with continence issues.
The post holder will focus in particular on the assessment and management of:
Urinary and faecal incontinence Faecal soiling, impaction and chronic constipation Recurrent urinary tract infections Enuresis Urinary Catheterisation Neurogenic bladder and bowel care Continence products. The post holder will provide clinical expertise, specialist advice, assist in educational programmes and develop an appropriate communication strategy with regards to Continence care and promotion, promoting Quality, Safety, safeguarding Competent & Compassionate Staff and enhancing the Patient Experience through positive collaboration.
The post holder is required to support the principle that the care of the patient comes first at all times and will approach their work with the flexibility and enthusiasm necessary to make this principle a reality for every patient.
The caseload of the Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNSp) continence is:
All adults and children who require specialist continence management in the community setting.
Including the complex care needs of those diagnosed with a neurogenic bowel and bladder.
Please ensure you download, save and read the Job Specification, Applicant Information Document & Guide to Answering Competency Questions.
All of these documents are located at the bottom of this advertisement.
We strongly recommend that you read the Job Specification associated with post before completing your application form.
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