The Office of Public Works (OPW) is offering training opportunities for Civil Engineering Technicians.
Locations: Mayo and Kilkenny
An Overview of the Civil Engineering Technician Apprenticeship
First up – a brief description of an apprenticeship. An apprenticeship is a full-time programme that combines work-based learning with a formal training programme. Throughout your apprenticeship, you will work as a full-time member of staff with your employer, the Office of Public Works, who will release you to attend the structured training programme with the training provider – the earn-as-you-learn approach.
The Role
To give you some insight into what you might be doing, here is a brief outline of what you can expect:
An Apprentice Civil Engineering Technician in Hydrometric Monitoring Section will learn how to:
* Operate and maintain surface water and rainfall monitoring stations;
* Undertake flow measurement using the latest technology;
* Install new monitoring stations;
* Operate and maintain telemetry equipment;
* Quality assess and manage collected hydrometric data;
* Plan and set-out construction projects, and measure and record progress;
* Undertake surveys of rivers, lakes and coastal locations using the latest technology including drones and GIS;
* Manage office administration.
An Apprentice Civil Engineering Technician in West Region Arterial Drainage and Capital Delivery Section will learn how to:
* Undertake surveys of rivers, lakes and coastal locations, and infrastructure such as embankments and channel structures, using the latest technology including drones and GIS;
* Process survey data and prepare drawings;
* Plan and set-out construction projects, and measure and record progress;
* Undertake risk assessments and implement safe systems of work;
* Manage office administration.
Eligibility to Participate in the Programme
An apprenticeship programme offers the possibility of candidates coming from a wide variety of backgrounds with varying experiences and levels of education, depending on your own individual background. For the Office of Public Works Civil Engineering Technician Apprenticeship, these are aligned with the ATU programme as follows:
Candidates must be eighteen years old, on or before the closing date, 3rd April 2025, and meet the Eligibility Requirements, as defined below.
The assignment as apprentice is for the duration of the apprenticeship programme. The assignment is subject to the Civil Service Regulation Acts 1956 to 2005, the Public Service Management (Recruitment and Assignments) Act 2004 and any other Act for the time being in force relating to the Civil Service. Continuation in employment in the apprenticeship position is subject to satisfactorily meeting all the requirements of the apprenticeship programme, including passing the required college/training modules and performing the duties as directed.
Please note that no credit/ exemptions to any of the learning modules will be granted to candidates on the basis of certified learning that has occurred prior to admission. In other words, all training and certification elements of the Civil Engineering Technician Apprenticeship must still be met in order to successfully complete the programme.
Persons who wish to be considered for appointment to the above position should submit a completed and signed application form, and copies of certificates of attainment in support of their application.
Minimum Eligibility Requirements
Candidates must at the Closing date –
* Be at least 18 years of age.
* Possess a current full, clean driving licence (Category B);
* Possess solid literacy, verbal and numeracy skills.
* Possess good computer skills.
Minimum Educational Qualifications
The minimum educational requirements are:
Irish Leaving Certificate Requirements:
* Five grades O6/H7 or higher in the Department of Education & Skills Leaving Certificate Examination or an approved equivalent;
The applicant must also satisfy the maths requirement as outlined below:
* H7 in Higher Mathematics, or
* O6 in Ordinary Level Mathematics;
FETAC Awards and Entry Requirements:
The minimum entry requirements for graduates of FETAC to this programme is a full cognate FETAC (Level 5) award or higher to include distinction grades in at least three components. A full FETAC Level 5 major award will have a minimum credit value of 120. Component awards, or achievement of less than 120 credits, do not constitute a full award. Applicants will be expected to include a specific maths module within their FETAC award or to have achieved the minimum Maths requirement in their Leaving Certificate examination.
Mature applicants (defined as over 23 on January 1st of the year of entry, 2025), do not require the above minimum entry requirements and acceptance will be based on experiential learning, commitment to course objectives and an interview.
Personality Type
This is an academically intensive programme and applicants will need to be able to demonstrate that they can successfully deal with the competing demands of an academic programme and the workplace. The programme will require study outside office/normal working hours, and we would anticipate that for the average student that would be 10 hours per week. Applicants would need to commit to sustaining this level of workload. The apprentice should devote themselves fully to the workplace and study and not engage in other part-time work for the duration of the apprenticeship.
Citizenship Requirements
Eligible candidates must be:
1. A citizen of the European Economic Area (EEA). The EEA consists of the Member States of the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway; or
2. A citizen of the United Kingdom (UK); or
3. A citizen of Switzerland pursuant to the agreement between the EU and Switzerland on the free movement of persons; or
4. A non-EEA citizen who has a stamp 41 or a Stamp 5 visa;
1 Please note that a 50 TEU visa, which is a replacement for Stamp 4EUFAM after Brexit, is acceptable as a Stamp 4 equivalent.
All non-EU/EEA citizens must hold a valid work permit prior to and for the duration of their contract. The work permit must allow you to work full time for the Office of Public Works. It is the responsibility of individual employees to ensure that you have a valid work permit. If at any stage during your contract you cease to hold a valid work permit you must immediately advise the Office of Public Works and your employment will cease with immediate effect.
To qualify candidates must meet one of the citizenship criteria above by closing date of this competition.
Full details on eligibility are available on the Candidate Information Booklet available on our website. Closing date for applications is 3rd April 2025.