Overview The post holder will be assigned to manage the operational activity in the hospital.
Responsibilities will include; a bed management responsibility, management of complex clinical/non clinical, operational situations and provision of clinical support, expertise and advice for all grades of staff.
The overall purpose of the/Bed Manager / patient flow co-ordinator is a patient flow function to plan and coordinate admissions/ discharged.
There are several important elements: A panel maybe formed from which future vacancies for a temporary or permanent position may arise in Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Drogheda, Co Louth.
Organisational Context The HSE has created six new health regions.
Each region is responsible for providing both hospital and community care for the people in that area.
Bringing community health services and hospitals together means we can take a more patient-centred approach to healthcare.
HSE Dublin and North East provides health and social care to North Dublin, Louth, Meath, Monaghan and most areas of Cavan.
HSE Dublin and North East Region includes the following hospitals; Beaumont Hospital Cavan General Hospital Connolly Hospital Louth County Hospital National Orthopaedic Hospital Cappagh Monaghan General Hospital Mater Misericordiae University Hospital Our Ladys Hospital Navan Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital Rotunda Hospital Essential Criteria Candidates must on the latest date for receiving completed application forms for the office: Experience in senior management in a Discharge Planning environment / Bed Management system, in a multidisciplinary team, within an acute Hospital setting, as relevant to the role.
Candidates must possess sufficient administrative capacity to discharge the functions of the office and have management ability and experience.
A proven track record of Service Management, ideally in a healthcare driven industry is essential.
A third level Management Qualification.
Annual Registration Practitioners must maintain live annual registration on the General Nursing Division of the Nurses & Midwifery Register maintained by the Nursing & Midwifery Registration Board (Bord Altranais agus Cnimhseachais na hireann) Please note that appointment to and continuation in posts that require statutory registration is dependent upon the post holder maintaining annual registration in the relevant division of the register maintained by Bord Altranais agus Cnimhseachais na hireann (Nursing & Midwifery Board of Ireland) Relevant Attachment: Patient Flow & Complex Discharge Grade VII Job Spec