For Eligibility Criteria and further information on this post, please view the attached job specification available below.
Grade Code: 3239
County: Galway
HSE Area: HSE West & North West
Staff Category: Health & Social Care Professionals
Contract Type: Permanent, Whole time/part time; Specified Purpose Contract, Whole time/part time
Internal/External: External
Proposed Interview Dates: Interview dates will be communicated to eligible applicants when they are scheduled. Throughout the lifetime of this rolling campaign, we will continually draw from the applicant pool, processing applications and holding interviews in order to fill current and future vacancies.
Informal Enquiries: John Given, Pharmacy Executive Manager 3, GUH
Phone: 091 893918
Location of Post: Galway University Hospitals (which comprises of University Hospital, Galway & Merlin Park University Hospital). Initial assignment to the Pharmacy Department, Galway University Hospitals.
A supplementary panel may be created for Senior Pharmacist, GUH, from which permanent and specified purpose vacancies of full or part-time duration may be filled.
Application Details: Applications must be submitted via Rezoomo only. Applications received in any other way will not be accepted. There will be no exceptions made.
Relocation Package: The HSE offers an International Recruitment Relocation Package to relevant applicants. Please refer to HR Circular 001/2023 at the following link: HR Circular 001/2023.