Pelican Rapids, Minnesota, United StatesPart-Time PastorAddress: 12713 County Rd 30, Pelican Rapids, Minnesota 56572North Immanuel Lutheran Church is seeking a part-time Pastor to fill a vacancy.
North Immanuel was organized in April of 1871.
We have an average Sunday attendance of 20 to 30 with one 9am Sunday worship service, along with Lenten and holiday services.
We have a small Sunday school class and small Confirmation class that vary from year to year.
We believe in the authority of Scripture and are involved in several local and global outreach ministries.
We seek to grow in both numbers and service to fellow members and others.
Many needs in the congregation are taken care of by member volunteers.
North Immanuel is a rural congregation situated in the rolling hills and lakes country of western Minnesota between Pelican Rapids and Barnesville with members from both communities.
Both towns have great schools, medical clinics, and several large employers.
There are three larger cities within a 45-mile radius with large hospitals/clinics and other amenities.
There are half a dozen or so LCMC congregations within 50 miles, with Grace Lutheran of Erhard being the closest, about 12 miles away.
We expect our pastor will:
Preach, lead worship, and administer the Sacraments.Host a weekly Bible study and maintain limited office hours.Teach confirmation and be involved with Sunday School and the youth of the community.Visit with the shut-ins and the elderly.Work with the leadership and members of the congregation to develop and implement goals for ministry and growth.