M & E Clerk of Works
Based in Kildare
Required for a State Body working on its major and minor capital works programme.
Responsibilities include:
1. Carrying out site inspections as directed.
2. Monitoring on-site construction, photographic recordings, materials quality and standard, building materials testing, and certificate verification.
3. Ensuring compliance with contract drawings and specifications.
4. Measuring and recording contract variations and carrying out level surveys on site.
5. Issuing weekly Site Inspection reports during construction in a timely manner to the Estates Project Manager.
6. Identifying, recording, and reporting construction defects to the Employer’s representative, Assigned Certifier, and the Estates Project Manager in a timely manner.
7. Monitoring and assessment of contract programme; liaising with the Estates’s representative, the Assigned Certifier, Architect, Engineers, and/or Project Manager.
8. Compliance at all times with Health and Safety regulations and awareness of on-site safety.
9. Carrying out inspections of building works as part of approved applications to ensure that all work is in compliance with architect’s drawings, engineers reports, and current Building Regulations where appropriate.
10. Reporting on the condition of structures, including protected structures, specifying repairs, renewals, or rebuilding necessary to make unfit or defective premises fit for human habitation, and in accordance with the Building Regulations.
11. Supervising as directed works of repair, construction, securing, or demolition where necessary, issuing certificates of compliance with requirements of such notices.
12. Carrying out such duties as may be necessary in conjunction with legal proceedings, including attending court and giving evidence.
13. Keeping accurate electronic and written records of inspections, notices, etc.
14. Supervising any employees assigned to him/her and ensuring compliance with corporate policies.
Minimum Requirements:
Trade qualified Electrician or Fitter.
* Clerk of Works
* Construction
* Site Management
* Construction management
* Mechanical
* Electrical
* Building Services
Work From Home.