Location of Post
There are currently 2 permanent posts (1.0 WTE) available with Wexford Community Specialist Palliative Care Team, Ely Hospital, Wexford Town.
There is currently 1 permanent post (1.0 WTE) available with Carlow/Kilkenny Community Specialist Palliative Care Team, UMPC, Aut Even Hospital, Freshford, Kilkenny.
1 permanent post (0.8 WTE) available in South East Palliative Care Centre, Dunmore Wing, Waterford University Hospital, Waterford.
A panel may be created from this campaign from which future permanent and specified purpose vacancies of full or part time duration may be filled.
Details of service:
The Wexford Community Specialist Palliative Care service is provided by a nursing team based in Ely Hospital, Ferrybank, Wexford.
It is a consultant led service.
The team covers a large geographical area with a population in excess of 160,000.
Each team is managed by a Clinical Nurse Manager 3 and comprises of Clinical Nurse Specialists and administration staff.
An Occupational Therapist works as part of the MDT.
In Wexford, the service is run in partnership with the individual voluntary hospice committee and the HSE.
Governance by the HSE of the community specialist palliative care teams in Wexford is in development.
The service delivers a seven day week service (9-5) to the patient's place of residence.
This may be the patient's home, community hospital, palliative care support bed or private nursing home.
The community based specialist palliative care team works closely with the General Practitioner, Public Health Nurse and staff of whatever facility the patient is in.
Consultant led, integrated team meetings are held on a regular basis.
These are attended by both the community and hospital teams.
The medical team based in UHW, provides 24 hour conferral advice for the whole region irrespective of the place of care of the patient.
Appropriate patients to the services are those with an advanced, progressive, life-limiting condition and current or anticipated complexities relating to symptom control, end of life care planning or other physical, psychosocial or spiritual needs that cannot reasonably be managed by the current care provider(s) as per the National Clinical Care Programme for Palliative Care Eligibility Criteria The specialist palliative care team works in support of and in collaboration with established community health care professionals.
The aim of the service is to support adults and paediatrics who choose to be cared for, and sometimes die in their own homes, in a local community hospital, or in a nursing home.
The clinical nurse specialist in palliative care can be a liaison between the community services and the acute hospital or specialist palliative care inpatient unit.
The clinical nurse specialist in palliative care supports, advises and acts as a resource for primary care health professionals in the community.
The advisory role of the clinical nurse specialist in palliative care is particularly important in relation to symptom control as per the Report of the National Advisory Committee on Palliative Care 2001. The National Clinical Care Programme for Palliative Caresupports the safe and effective delivery of palliative care in all settings through the development of documents and resources to enhance specialist palliative care.
Informal Enquiries:
Niamh Woulfe,
Clinical Nurse Manager 3,
Wexford Community Specialist Palliative Care Team
Tel: /
Email: ******
Mairead Bluett,
A/Director of Nursing, South East Palliative Care Centre,
University Hospital, Waterford
Email: ******
Tel: /