If you believe in the power of social enterprises and the transformative power of the social economy, we would love to hear from you. Socent CLG trading as Irish Social Enterprise Network (ISEN) is looking for a dedicated individual to join its voluntary Board of Directors as a Board Member.
Responsibilities will include the following:
* Developing the social enterprise sector in Ireland
* Contributing to strategic planning and decision-making processes
* Supporting the development and review of organisational policies and procedures
* Advocating for the interests of ISEN and promoting its mission and values
* Ensuring compliance with governance requirements and legislation
* Collaborating with other board members and the CEO to achieve the organisation's goals
A candidate for Board Member should have:
1. The ability to participate in strategic and management decisions at Board level
2. A commitment to the time necessary to carry out the role effectively. This is likely to be on average 4 hours a month, including meetings and other duties in the role description, but may increase at certain times in response to particular pressures
3. An understanding of the needs and workings of a small non-profit
4. A willingness to support the organisation's mission and goals
It would also be desirable to have:
* Experience in the social enterprise sector or familiarity with the Irish social economy
* Knowledge of corporate governance requirements, such as the Charities Act 2009, the Charities Governance Code, and GDPR 2018
Board Member Commitments:
* All Board members are expected to have a working knowledge of the community and voluntary sector in Ireland and be familiar with corporate governance requirements and legislation
* Board members are expected to participate in advocacy in the best interests of the organisation and protect and promote the reputation of ISEN
* Board members will always contribute to the achievement of the organisation’s goals while practising the highest standards of corporate governance
* Board members should be honest, fair, and independent
Board Meetings:
There are a minimum of 6 board meetings a year. Meetings are held in Dublin or online.
All applicants must confirm that they do not have any conflicts of interest or legal impediments which would be likely to interfere with their ability to play a full part on the board. In addition, they must also confirm that they can make themselves available to attend meetings and to carry out the duties of a board member.
ISEN is committed to diversity in appointments to the Board and Committees, in terms of: gender; age; ethnicity; sexual orientation; the inclusion of members of those native and new to the island; geography in terms of residence or place of business on the
island of Ireland (including both legal jurisdictions).
The Board will make appointments, where possible, on the basis of bringing the Board towards a diverse and inclusive group.