Procurement Manager • 1.0WTE (35 hours) • Indefinite Duration • H.S.E.
funded • Based in Harolds' Cross The post holder will: Be the procurement advisor for OLH&CS and support other departments in relation to procurement, provide leadership in the development and delivery of services, procurement and management of contracts.
Lead, manage and develop the Materials Management Department.
Responsible for all aspects of Materials Management, the purchase of goods and services for OLH&CS in line with best practice and ensuring service continuity.
Lead, motivate, and develop staff with a wide range of skills and talents to ensure a high quality of service delivery.
Co-operate and liaise as necessary with Senior Management, Department Heads, Clinical Staff, committees, external advisors and contractors etc.
Establish strong effective and relationships both internally and externally.
Treat all individuals with dignity and respect.
Essential Requirements Qualification: Educated to Third Level or demonstrate an equivalent level of experience of working in this field. Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of supply chain management. Demonstrated ability to work within a team and lead the team - working across various procurement and supply chain activities Knowledge of public procurement regulations. Knowledge of e-tendering & contract management In addition:
Procurement experience. Excellent interpersonal skills and awareness/sensitivity towards staff, residents, patients, clients and other stakeholders. Ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines. Ability to lead and motivate a team. Proficiency in computer skills including the use of Microsoft Word, Excel, email, finance/ordering systems and ability to utilise other ICT as required. The requisite knowledge and ability (including a high standard of suitability and ability) for theproper discharge of the duties ofthe post Experience: Have a minimum of five years' experience in supplies/materials management/procurement role(s) And
A minimum of 3 years relevant supervisory experience Desirable Requirements Qualification: Qualified as a Bachelor of Business in Business, Procurement and Supply Management (BBUS) or equivalent. Membership of the Irish Institute of Purchasing and Materials Management. Membership of Irish Institute of Healthcare Materials Management. Public Procurement qualification. Background experience in the healthcare/public sector. Informal enquiries for this recruitment panel advertisement are most welcome.
Please contact Tommy Beatty | Director of Non-Clinical Services| 01-4986244| ****** A detailed Job Description & Person Specification can be downloaded below or by contacting the HR Department | ****** | (01) 491 2594. Latest date for receipt of applications is 12 PM on Thrusday 17th of April 2025.