Cumann Lthchleas Gael is Irelands leading sporting and cultural organisation with membership approachingonemillion peopleand inexcessof500,000 playing participantsatall levels.Inspired by its amateur status and supported by the voluntary efforts of all its members, the GAA devotes its entireresourcestothedevelopmentofGaelicGamesandCulturenationallyandinlocalcommunities.
Role Summary The role holder will be responsible for the delivery of GAA games development policy and related programmes as contained in the county coaching and games development plan in local clubs and schools (Primary and Post Primary) within a geographic area of a county.
The role will also focus on establishing self-sufficient and sustainable clubs by building capacity and capability within the volunteer structure to deliver a games development programme.
Principle Accountabilities include but are not limited to: Operations Oversee the timely implementation of Association policies, strategies and programmes relating to coaching and games development within a region of a county; Manage key relations with clubs and schools to support growth and engagement across all GaelicGamesworkingcloselywithCamogie,LGFA,Handball and Rounderswithin a regionof the county.
PeopleManagement Coordinate and supervise other county personnel e.g., Participation Officers as required to include responsibility for supporting the formulation of weekly/monthly work programmes with the County Head of Games; LiaisewithandsupportateamofCoachDevelopersintheCountytodelivercoachandreferee development; Coordinate the recruitment, training and deployment of Cl Camp and Club-School Link coaches within a region of the county.
Leadership Assist the County Head of Games, County Coaching and Games Committee and key County Officers with the development and implementation of the County Games Development Strategy in the county and associated multi-annual plan; EnsuretheeffectiveuseofGAAcoachingandgamesdevelopmentITSystems; Ensureprogrammesaredeliveredinlinewithnationalgamesdevelopmentpolicy; Coordinate the delivery of programmes in areas of potential growth and develop strategies to increase engagement in Gaelic Games and specific codes.
ClubSupport CoordinatethedeliveryofaclubsupportprogrammeinclubstoachievetheGAAsgoalof creatingself-sufficiencyandsustainabilitybybuildingcapacityandcapability(ClubCompass) Liaise,supportandprovideon-goingtraininganddevelopmentopportunitiestoClub Coaching Officers; WiththeClubCoachingandChildrensOfficerensureallcoachesandvolunteersmeetthe requiredcoaching,vettingandsafeguardingrequirements; Assist clubs with the development of player pathways and lead the coordination of participationandretentionprogrammes inthe regionto helptransitionasmanyplayers and aspossiblethroughchild,youthandadultstagesofthepathwaytoincludecoordinationand delivery of: Club Nursery Programme Intra and inter-Club Go Games Camps Intra and Inter-Club Super Games Diversity and Inclusion Programmes Intra and Inter-Club Recreational Games for youths and adults Assistclubswiththedevelopmentofcoachandrefereepathwaysandcoordinateandlead the provision of volunteer, coach and referee education in the region; Coordinateandleadtheprovisionoflearningopportunitiestoclubvolunteers,clubcoaches, referees and teachers required to assist the delivery of games development programmes.
SchoolsSupport CoordinatethedeliveryoftheGAA5STARProgrammeinprimaryschoolsintroducingand engaging children in all Gaelic Games; Coordinateandoverseethedeliveryofparticipationandretentionprogrammesinprimary and post-primary schools to include: Intra and inter-school Go Games Intra and Inter-school Super Games Diversity and Inclusion Programmes AssistwiththedeliveryofTransitionYearandGAAFutureLeadersProgramme; CoordinateandprovideongoingtrainingandsupporttoanetworkofClubSchoolLink Coaches.
TalentAcademy/PlayerDevelopmentSupport SupporttheCountyHeadofGamesinidentificationofplayersandcoachestoparticipatein the county talent academy programme; Coordinateandorganiseasrequiredregional/divisionalgamesactivitiestosupportthe programme; Guideandsupportclubsandschoolsonthedeliveryofplayerdevelopmentsupports ensuring coherence with talent academy programme;.
StakeholderManagement WorkcloselywiththerelevantCoaching andGamesDevelopmentCommitteesatCountylevel Work effectively with all key stakeholders (National GAA, Province, County, Clubs, Schools, Third Level, etc) to grow participation and increase retention rates including LGFA, Camogie, GAA Handball and Rounders.
Other It is anaturalfunctionof the rolethattherole holder is requiredto workand attend evening and weekend meetings/activities in line with business needs and undertake any other such projects or duties as deemed appropriate by their manager; Theroleholdermayberesponsibleforfulfillingaleadprogrammefunctionwithinthecounty games development operation.
EssentialCriteria: At least 3-5 years experience of working in the GAA or similar sporting organisation (Voluntary orProfessionalCapacity); MinimumAward1GAACoachingQualification; Appropriatethirdlevelqualification(Level7NFQ); ClearanddetailedknowledgeandexperienceoftheGAAscoachingschemesandinitiatives; Excellent administrative and IT skills with a strong working knowledge of IT related packages and systems; Exceptionalinterpersonalskillsandastrongabilitytoworkinhigh-pressuresituations; Excellentcommunicationandpresentationskills(verbalandwritten); Demonstrablyexcellentleadershipskillsandinfluencingability; Excellent ability to manage people/resources and build and sustain good team relationships and manage conflict; Strongleadershipanddecision-makingskills; Excellentnegotiationskills; Strong organisational skills and demonstrable ability to effectively manage multiple projects and priorities; hands-on approach to getting things done; Abilitytoclearlypresentgoalsanddirection.
DesirableCriteria: Experienceinmanaging/supervisingstaff; GAATutor/CoachDeveloperqualification; Thirdlevelsportssciencequalification; Strongcoacheducationexperience.
OtherRequirements: Owncarwithafullcleandriving license; HavecompletedtheGAAChildProtectioninSportAwareness/Safeguarding1 programme; Ability to work and attend evening and weekend meetings/activities in addition to normal day-to-day activities.
Candidates interested in the above role should apply with an up-to-date cover letter and Curriculum Vitae on or before 3pm on 25th March 2025.