Request for Tender: Review of the Local Bereavement Network Programme
Irish Hospice Foundation is requesting for Tender: Review of the Local Bereavement Network Programme.
About Irish Hospice Foundation
Irish Hospice Foundation (IHF) is a national charity that addresses dying, death and bereavement in Ireland. Our vision is an Ireland where people facing end of life or bereavement, and those who care for them, are provided with the care and support that they need. Our mission is to work towards the best end-of-life and bereavement care for all. Our values are integrity, courage, compassion, respect, and dignity.
Background to this study
The collaboration of bereavement service providers, at a local and national level, has been identified as a priority in Ireland as a way of enhancing bereavement care.
The first Local Bereavement Network (LBN) was established in North Dublin in 2016 by IHF and a number of bereavement service providers who operated in the North Dublin region. The network was established to connect local bereavement service providers and to facilitate collaboration among the network members to raise awareness of bereavement and bereavement services available locally.
Two additional networks were established by IHF in South Dublin in 2020 and Kildare in 2021, building on local interest.
Irish Hospice Foundation also promotes the development of the LBN Programme through the Local Bereavement Development Grants. These annual grants aim to encourage and support collaborative bereavement developments at a local level. Already existing groups and newly formed groups are eligible to apply.
There are currently five networks under the umbrella of IHF’s Local Bereavement Network Programme. For a network to be incorporated into the LBN programme, they must use the LBN programme’s endorsed network membership criteria.
Generally, the networks meet four times a year for the purpose of sharing key developments and knowledge in the area of bereavement.
Aims and objectives
1. The role of Networks, including bereavement networks
a. Describe the role of networks in social and health development contexts outside of Ireland.
b. Describe how networks have been incorporated into policy, and health and community structures in Ireland.
c. Describe international bereavement network models.
2. Evaluate the current Local Bereavement Networks (LBN) programme in Ireland
a. Describe the current operation of the LBNs in Ireland.
b. Comparative analysis of the current operation of the LBNs in Ireland.
c. Outline the key achievements and impacts to date.
d. Identify any changes in the vision for, and operationalisation of, the programme over time.
3. A sustainable model for Local Bereavement Networks (LBNs) in Ireland
a. Identify the critical components and conditions for a thriving LBN.
b. What would a sustainable LBN model look like?
c. How would this model be incorporated into social and health structures in Ireland?
d. What role should IHF play in their development and operations?
4. Describe and assess the role of networks more generally in IHF based on the learning from the LBN review.
• Literature review to include the role of networks in social and health outside of Ireland; examples of international bereavement network models; and how networks have been incorporated into policy, and health and community structures in Ireland.
• Quantitative and qualitative data, for example stakeholder survey, focus groups, interviews, documentary analysis.
We expect the work to commence February 2025 and be completed no later than July 2025 (6 months).
The final report will be used for internal publication and may inform later external publication with acknowledgement to the author.
The budget for this work will be a maximum of €10,000 and must include VAT and other associated expenses.
Assessment criteria
In line with IHF procedures, applications will be assessed against the following criteria:
• Quality of proposed methodology and approach to the work in relation to IHF’s aims for the work.
• Expertise of the project team in relation to the methodology.
• Relevance of team’s expertise in relation to knowledge about dying, death and bereavement.
• Overall quality of the proposal.
• Cost of the research.
Submitting a tender proposal
Please send an application detailing the following:
• Approach to each requirement if the brief above.
• Full costing of the project.
• Timeline for the project.
• An account of previous work you have conducted in relevant areas.
• Two referees who can be contacted.
Appendix 1: Core Network membership criteria, aim and objectives
Aim of the network
Working together to increase awareness of bereavement and improve access to services for the people of Kildare.
Objectives of the network
• To create a more coordinated approach to supporting bereaved people in the region.
• To share experience and knowledge of each of our services among other network members.
• Maintain awareness and collaborate in agreed national initiatives with other organisations or networks.