At present, there are 9 Traveller women employed as Traveller Community Health Workers in Wexford, based in WLD’s Enniscorthy office on Mill Park Road. Their role is to increase health knowledge and access to health services for the Traveller community. Their work is firmly based in the community and is underpinned by the values and principles of community development. The programme is delivered in partnership with the HSE’s South East Traveller Health Unit.
Information, awareness, support, signposting, and follow-ups are provided primarily in relation to the following areas:
* Diabetes and Cardiovascular Health
* Positive Mental Health
* Physical Activity
* Substance Misuse
* Child Health and Development
* Immunisation
* Managing Appointments
* Cancer & National Cancer Screening Programme
* Applying for/renewal of Medical Cards
The Group Health training sessions are provided locally in 8 targeted locations throughout County Wexford. The locations are:
* Clonroche Traveller Women’s Group – Clonroche Community Centre – Monday evenings
* Clonroche Traveller Girl’s Group – Clonroche Community Centre – Tuesday evenings
* Enniscorthy Traveller Women’s Group – Church Institute, Enniscorthy – Monday evenings
* Enniscorthy Traveller Girl’s Group – Church Institute, Enniscorthy – Monday evenings
* Gorey Traveller Mother’s and Toddler Group – Gorey Family Resource Centre – Wednesday mornings
These groups provide specific health skills development as well as arts & crafts demonstrations, healthy eating classes, personal development, mindfulness, exercise, and relaxation, and are part of WLD’s SICAP Community Education Programme.
Traveller Cultural Awareness programmes with service providers are also delivered by our Peer Workers (e.g., Wexford Fire Service, Social Workers, New Ross Gardaí, DEIS School Principals, Carlow IT Wexford Campus staff).
Contact our Traveller Community Health team at 053 9155864 for more information:
Laura Myles
North Wexford Traveller Community Health Programme Worker
Margaret Doyle
South Wexford Traveller Community Health Programme Worker
Alice Connors
South Wexford Traveller Community Health Worker
Nan Connors
South Wexford Traveller Community Health Worker
Bridget Connors
North Wexford Traveller Community Health Worker
Polly Connors
South Wexford Traveller Community Health Worker
Nan Moorehouse
South Wexford Traveller Community Health Worker
Bridget Wall
North Wexford Traveller Community Health Worker
Josie Cash
North Wexford Traveller Community Health Worker