Consultant Histopathologist
Type of Contract: Specific Purpose Contract
Duration: 1 Year
Specialist Registration Required
This is a shared post between Portiuncula University Hospital (26 hours) and Galway University Hospital (11 hours).
Location: HSE West and Northwest Region, Ireland
Saolta University Healthcare Group provides a comprehensive range of Medical, Surgical, Paediatrics, and Obstetrics and Gynaecology Services to emergency and elective patients on an inpatient, outpatient, and day care basis across the West and North West of Ireland.
Portiuncula University Hospital comprises 194 beds, including a new 50-bed ward block. 12 of these beds are currently a 5-day ward. The hospital also has 24 Day care beds, of which 6 are for oncology. Portiuncula University Hospital provides 24/7 acute surgery, acute medicine, critical care, paediatrics, obstetrics, and gynaecology, along with a 24/7 Emergency Department, which had 27,000 attendances in 2019. The hospital serves the catchment areas of East Galway, Westmeath, North Tipperary, Roscommon, and Offaly and has a natural referral pathway to the Midlands.
Education & Training:
Portiuncula University Hospital is a recognised site for training of undergraduate medical students from the University of Galway and graduate entry medical students from the University of Limerick. We are an accredited site for intern training for the West North West Intern Training program. We offer Basic Specialist Training in General Medicine to Senior House Officers on the RCPI training program and are also an approved site with the ICGP West training scheme for GP training. We have international trainees on the CPSP program through RCPI and we also have Basic and Higher Specialist trainees in Surgery, Paediatrics, and Obstetrics and Gynaecology. There is formal structured weekly teaching for all medical staff in general internal medicine topics, MRCP teaching and exam preparation, advanced clinical skills training, and inter-professional simulation-based education in the care of the deteriorating patient on a monthly basis.
Informal enquiries to:
Orla Dolan, Medical Manpower Manager, Portiuncula University Hospital
Email: Tel: 090 9648392
Closing date for receipt of CVs: 14th January 2025