Clinic Manager/Company Secretary Hours of Work 18 hrs per week.
Salary circa €34,000 An exciting and interesting opportunity has arisen for the position of Clinic Manager/Company Secretary with Beaumont Private Clinic.
We are seeking a dynamic and efficient Clinic Manager with demonstrable experience of office and people management at a senior level.
The ideal candidate must be able to demonstrate a track record of senior decision making, as well as management of small to medium sized projects.
In the role you will work at a senior level and gain exposure to the Clinics business by working and collaborating closely with the Management Executive Group.
You will work closely with the Executive to develop and maintain the effective functioning of the business, to support the delivery of key operational initiatives, to manage the Clinics assets and to fulfil the role of company secretary.
This is a part time role with remote/onsite working arrangements as required.
Essential Criteria: Candidatesmustbeabletodemonstratethefollowingskills: Superiororganisationalskillsinahealthcareenvironment Excellentinterpersonalskillsandtheabilitytodevelopeffectivebusinessrelations Knowledgeofavarietyofbestpractices,designconceptsandindustrystandardoperating procedures Minimum5yearsexperienceinpayrollskills Minimum5yearsexperienceinbookkeepingskills Mandatory Educational Background Hasapayrollqualification(IPASS) Hasbookkeepingqualification(Fetaclevel6) Has a third level qualification Responsibilities 1.Possess superior organisational skills and previous experience in a healthcare environment.
Arrange meetings of the Board and sub committees 3.Prepareminutesofallmeetingsandcirculationofdocumentsetc.tomembers.
4.Maintenance and custody of companys registers, minute books, company seal and arranging of the annual return documentation for filing by ARD.
5.Manage the affairs of the private clinic in an efficient and cost effective manner.
7.Preparation of management accounts / budget estimates and monitoring of overhead costs.
8.Collection of service charges and other recoverables from members 9.Ensuring that all tax returns are computed correctly and returned in a timely manner as prescribed by revenue.
Ensuring proper books of account are kept and maintained 11.
Liaison with company auditors 12.
Maintaining a good relationship with bank personnel and banking-on-line contacts and ensuring cash flow limits are adhered to.
Maintenance of accounting ledgers, nominal, creditors and debtors preparation and payment of monthly payroll and creditors, posting of cash receipts and bank reconciliation.
Maintaining and fostering close relationships with hospital Dept heads, including portering, security, waste management, supplies/procurement, technical services, I. T. services 15.
Keeping car parking issues under review with MSCP in consultation with general services Dept/security 16.
Act as designated 2nd Key holder for intruder alarm calls with External Security Provider and Act as responder for any other calls that occur outside of normal working hours.
This duty is remunerated at €4,000 pa. 17.
Maintain services contracts with key providers 18.
Dealing with and resolution of daily/routine maintenance issues.
Ensuring the fabric of the building and grounds are well maintained and kept in a neat and tidy condition.
Maintaining the clinic common areas with a safe and clean environment in cooperation with the cleaning contractor.
Ensuring an adequate level of insurance cover is maintained on the clinic buildings and contents in cooperation with insurance brokers.
Advise brokers of incidents and minimise their effect on the running of the clinic.
Liaise with solicitors on property transactions and to ensure all legal requirements are adhered to in this respect, as prescribed under the lease documentation.
Ensuring the terms of the property lease with Beaumont Hospital Board is upheld at all times and not contravened by either party.
Making arrangements for the subletting of rooms to Consultants and maintaining a register of available Suites and Times for rental purposes 25.
Liaise with company website provider 26.
Maintaining an ongoing relationship with other of private healthcare providers, e.g., eReferrals, Healthlink, Concept Medical 27.Control and supervision of clinic company staff and act as a focal point on human resource issues.
Any other duties that maybe assigned by the Board from time to time Beaumont Private Clinic is an equal opportunities employer.