The Lifelong Learning Festival & Learning City Development Worker is a key post within the Learning City Office in Cork City Council, delivering on the Learning and Education Actions in the Cork City Local and Economic Plan 2024 – 2029 and in the Cork City Council Corporate Plan to 2024 High Level Goal – ‘A city promoting culture, heritage, learning, health, and wellbeing.’ The successful candidate will work as part of the Learning City Team, as part of the Corporate and Community Affairs Directorate in Cork City Council, reporting to the Specialist Learning City Co-ordinator, and will provide support to a variety of Lifelong Learning and Learning City initiatives including the Lifelong Learning Festival, the Growing Lifelong Learning in Cork (GLLiC) Committees, Learning City events and a range of community lifelong learning initiatives designed, delivered and evaluated in partnership with a wide range of relevant stakeholders.
Duties and Responsibilities:
1. Work as a Development Worker with the Learning City Team in Cork City Council to co-ordinate the delivery of an annual programme of Lifelong Learning events including the Lifelong Learning Festival, UNESCO Learning Cities Day, Learning City Seminars, Conferences and events;
2. Provide support to the Cork Learning City Steering Group and Working Group – GLLiC, to the Learning Festival Committee, and to the hosting of the Irish Network of Learning Cities events and meetings - this includes administrative support and to act in an advisory capacity on related matters;
3. Provide support to a variety of Lifelong learning initiatives including the Local Community Development Committee, the Cork Learning City Action Plan & a range of community based lifelong learning initiatives;
4. Progress the implementation of a number of key Lifelong Learning actions in the Cork City Local Economic & Community Plan;
5. Work with a variety of stakeholders to develop initiatives designed to support lifelong learning development in Cork City;
6. Represent Cork City Council and Cork Learning City at meetings and events as required;
7. Prepare relevant reports as required;
8. Manage specific budgets as appropriate;
9. Deputise for staff at a more Senior level when required;
10. Perform such duties as appropriate to the post which the Director of Services may assign.