Irish Youth Baroque Orchestra Woodwind Programme 2025
We are delighted to announce details of the Irish Youth Baroque Orchestra Woodwind Programme for 2025. We are seeking oboe and bassoon players to learn Baroque oboe & bassoon, with a further opportunity to potentially join future editions of the award-winning Irish Youth Baroque Orchestra.
Successful applicants will be provided with the loan of a quality reproduction historical instrument and receive one-to-one tuition from professional musicians specializing in historically informed performance. This is a fantastic opportunity to explore Baroque repertoire under leading woodwind players.
In 2025, we are offering two places for oboe and one place for a bassoon player who are:
Of grade 8 standard and above;
Aged from 18 – 24 (although slightly older and younger players will be considered too).
If you would be excited to participate in this opportunity and learn Baroque oboe or bassoon, please send an email to outlining your:
Date of birth;
A summary of musical experience;
Two paragraphs on your motivation to take part;
Availability to take part in the Irish Youth Baroque Orchestra in 2025 (28 July – 2 August 2025, see below for more details).
Closing date for expressions of interest is Wednesday, 19 March 2025.
You will be provided with:
* The loan of a quality reproduction instrument by either Wolfgang Kube, Marcel Ponsele (oboes) or Pau Orriols (bassoon);
* 5 baroque reeds;
* 12 X 1-hour lessons (or equivalent time in longer lessons if appropriate). Oboe lessons will preferably be taken in pairs so you can play duets; Bassoon lessons will be taken individually; One or two lessons in person.
Participants make a contribution of €300 for the lessons. This also covers the cost of your instrument hire and reeds.
All musicians will be asked to apply (with video audition) for this course. Due to increased interest in baroque woodwind, your place unfortunately cannot be guaranteed. It is hoped that between two and four oboists will be accepted, and either one or two bassoonists will be chosen for the course. Movements will be split between musician and parts may be doubled up for support.
Please note that there may be other musicians not involved in the IYBO Woodwind Programme who apply and audition. Participation costs for IYBO are €250. We would be grateful if you could indicate in your application if you would be free to take part in IYBO.
If your application for the Irish Youth Baroque Orchestra is not successful this year, we will endeavor to source other performance and masterclass opportunities for you.
The oboes and bassoon were purchased using funding received from the Music Capital Scheme, which is supported by the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media and managed by Music Network.
To express your interest or for further information, please contact Jack at